Chapter 17 - Questions

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You rolled over on your side and smiled at him.
"And why is that?"
Your body was still slightly twitching.

"Well your tail..."
He turned over to look at you,
"And whatever you just did at the end could probably push any man into submission."

You giggled at him, the small twitches finally stopping.
"You're not so bad yourself, especially with those shocks."

"I'll keep that in mind."
He smirked at you before rolling back onto his back.

You say up and stretched before letting out a sigh.
"Thank you, Denki. All the pain is gone."

"Hey, if you ever need a personal pain reliever you know exactly where to find me."

"I appreciate it."
You grinned at him before getting off the bed.

"And here I was hoping you'd stay the night."
He sighed and rolled over to look at you.

"I honestly just need some time alone in my own bed."
You smiled over at him while pulling your shorts up.

"I get that."
He bit his lip while watching you pull your shirt on.
"Will we ever do this again?"

You turned around and smiled.
"Only if you promise to use your quirk again."

"Well that's an easy promise to make."


On your way back to your room, someone stopped you.

"Walk of shame huh?"
You turned around to see a shirtless Shinso looking at you, hands in his pockets.

You sighed.
"And why is that any business of yours, Shinso?"

He started walking closer to you.
"Because I'm curious."

"About what?"

"About how many of the UA boys you've actually slept with."

"Now that really isn't any of your business."
You scoffed and turned on your heel to walk off.

"So how many UA boys then?"

"That's non-"
You started shouting back, but then your body froze.

"Now, come back please."
You did as he said, unable to speak or move on your own.
"Now, answer me completely honestly. Who's room were you creeping out of?"


"Who else within UA have you actually slept with?"

"Bakugo, Kirishima, Midoriya and Todoroki."

"And not me?"
He playfully smirked at you.

"You never asked."
You responded without even thinking, still under his quirk.

He seemed taken aback by those words.
He walked closer to you, hands in his pockets.
"If I released my quirk and asked you, right now..."
He bent down and whispered in your ear.
"Would you?"


"So will you?"
He released his quirk, but slowly backed you against the wall.

"Wow, that is not cool Shinso."

"I figured you wouldn't answer me otherwise."
He smirked, pinning you to the wall with his body but keeping his hands in his pockets and placed a knee between your legs.

You bit your lip and looked up at him.
"Here? Really?"

"Aw come on, you know no one else is up this late."
He smirked at you, placed both of his hands beside your head and started raising his knee.

You shivered when his knee touched the outside of your shorts, since you were only in your pj's there wasn't much fabric covering you and you were still really sensitive from Denki's electricity.

You tilted your head back until it was resting against the wall.

"What's the matter Kitty?"
He whispered as he started kissing down your neck and slowly rubbing you with his knee.
"All you have to do is say no..."

You bit your lip and let out a shaky breath.
"I'm just not sure I can keep quiet..."

He picked you up by your ass and you wrapped your legs around him, he pressed himself against you to keep you pinned while he pulled down his sweats.

"If you can't keep quiet...."
He pushed your shorts aside.
"Then just kiss or bite me, Kitty."

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