Chapter 48 - Resting

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He carefully pulled you into his chest, his heart was beating heavily. You cuddled into his chest, getting comfortable as you let your body stop shaking and rest.

"That... that was amazing Izuku..."
You breathed out as he wrapped an arm around you.

He smiled to himself.
"I'm glad you think so, sorry if I hurt you..."

If you had the energy to, you would gave shook your head.
"Don't be. It was intense, but it was amazing."

Midoriya smiled, gently stroking your back. You both ended up falling asleep quite quickly.


Midoriya woke up but you were still asleep. He covered you with the duvet and put some clothes on before heading to the common room. It was still light outside, so everyone should still be there.

Uraraka smiled as Midoriya made his way over to the couch.

"Hey guys!"
He grinned back.
"Hey Kacchan."

Bakugo narrowed his eyes at Midoriya.
"You're exceptionally happy today."

Midoriya laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Do you know where Y/N is?"
Todoroki asked.

The girls just looked at Midoriya as he smiled.
"She's resting."

Bakugo asked with a raised brow.

"Of course she is."
Denki laughed.
"It's because Midoriya gave Y/N that dick-troit smash!"

Bakugo growled in anger as he punched Denki round the back of the head.
"Shut up you idiot!"

Uraraka got up and left towards her room. Bakugo got up soon after her, grabbing Kiri by the arm and headed towards Midoriya's room.

"H-hey Kacchan!"
Midoriya followed after them until they got to his room.
"Hey this is my room!"

"I know dumbass."
Bakugo grunted and opened the door. Bakugo was beyond loud, and it woke you up.

You groaned as you sat up and looked at the door.
Once your eyes adjusted to the light, you noticed three people at the door.
"Wait what?"

Midoriya stuttered as Bakugo barged into his room.

"Give me your shirt Kiri."
Bakugo basically demanded.

"My shirt? Why my shirt?"

"Because you're bigger than me you idiot now give it!"

All of you looked at Bakugo confused, but Kiri still took is shirt off and handed it to Bakugo. Bakugo took it, turned around and basically threw it at you.

"Put it on."

You were too tired to argue, so you just sighed and did what he said. Once you'd put it on, Bakugo hoisted you up over his shoulder. His hand kept the shirt pinned to your legs to make sure you were covered.

"Kacchan why didn't you just let her rest?"

"She's resting in my room."
He started walking out.
"For the entire week."
He grunted.
"Kiri get her clothes."
He started making his way to his room.

Midoriya started picking up your scattered clothes.
"The week?!"
He asked.

He handed the clothes to Kiri.
"She made a deal with him and lost."
Kirishima grinned.
"It was fun to watch her lose actually."
He started walking out of Midoriya's room.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure he lets her rest."


Surprisingly Bakugo didn't throw you down onto the bed. But he did take Kiri's shirt off you and handed you his instead. You just sighed and curled up under the duvet, you were exhausted.

Kirishima got to Bakugo's room not long after you got comfortable.
"One clothes delivery!"
Kirishima grinned and placed your clothes down on Bakugo's desk.

Bakugo handed Kiri his shirt back.

Kirishima just smiled and left the room. Bakugo locked the door behind him and swiftly made his way over to the bed. He stripped down to just his boxers and got into bed next to you.

He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into his chest. You snuggled your head into him and put your leg over him as he stroked the back of your head.

"If you get tired this week sleep in here."
He said simply.

You just nodded in response and put your arm over Bakugo. He placed his other arm under his head, and the one in your hair was quickly lulling you to sleep.

"I wont wake you up until later."

"Thank you."
You said sleepily, and it made Bakugo's chest tighten.

You soon fell asleep and Bakugo kept stroking the back of your head. He just watched you, your chest calmly rising and falling as you slept.

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