Chapter 29 - Water

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When you woke it was still dark outside and Todoroki was still asleep behind you. You tried to move, but his arms wrapped tighter.

You giggled.

He groaned and mumbled against your back.

"I need to get up."
You giggled again and tried to remove his arms.
"I need a drink."

He grumbled and snuggled his face into your back.

You giggled a little once again, turning around to face him.

"You're comfy."
He said simply.

You put your finger under his chin, lifting his head up and planting a small kiss on his lips.
"Please, I need a drink."

"Will you be gone long?"
He sighed.

"Only if someone stops me."
You joked playfully.

He sleepily groaned and let you go. You stretched your arms and sat up, looking at your bedside table for a drink. You groaned to yourself, realising you'd forgotten a drink. You stood up, slipping into one of your night dresses.

"I'm just going to get a drink, okay?"

"Just try not to fuck anyone for too long, it's cold without you."

"Just use your other half."
You laughed a little, bending down to kiss his head.
"I'm joking, but no promises."

"Have fun then."
He chuckled a little before rolling over, cuddling into one of your pillows.

You made you way to the kitchen and pulled a glass out of the cupboard, filled it with water and downed it as if you'd been dehydrated for days. You went to fill it up again, so that you had a drink to take it back to your room. Thats when a voice called to you.

"Can't sleep?"
You looked to see Shinso, hands in his sweats with a baggy shirt on.

"Just got thirsty."
You smiled back at him, turning the tap off.

"I'm not surprised, a whole night with Amajiki then straight with Todoroki?"
He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes in response.

"You're just jealous because he got to me before you could."
You cheekily smiled at him and put your glass down.

"If I admitted I was..."
He walked closer to you, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"Does that mean I'd get to bend you over the kitchen counter?"


He grinned at you.

"You do realise Todoroki is back in my room?"

He shrugged.
"What? Are you dating him now?"

You sighed.
"I don't want to date anyone."

"Then what's the problem?"

You shrugged.
"Maybe I'm just tired."

He chuckled a little.
"That I highly doubt."

"Okay then, so why do you want to?"
You sighed, folding your arms.

"We were kinda... interrupted last time. Were we not?"

You shrugged again.
"You came, I came. What was to interrupt?"

He grabbed your hips and pulled you to him.
"One round is so boring, kitten."
He looked down at you, hooking a finger under your chin to make you look at him.
"And I want round two."

You smiled sweetly at him.
"And you think I'd do that in the kitchen?"
You put a hand on your chest, feigning innocence.
"You wound me Shinso, thinking I'd be such a nympho."

He grabbed you by your throat, pushing you back against the kitchen counter.
"Come on now kitty, we both know you're absolutely a nympho."
He squeezed his hand, eliciting a small moan from you.
"See? Now stop playing innocent."
He turned you around and bent you over the counter, slowly pushing your night dress up.
"Besides, all you need to say is no."

"Well, I'm definitely not going to say no."
You bit your lip and he pulled his sweats down.

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