🍋Chapter 6 - Bakugo Part 2🍋

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"So, Daddy huh?"
You smirked and turned onto your side to look at him.

"It's not like you complained."
He grunted and turned his head to you.

You gently trailed your nail along his chest.
"But did you really get that rough just because I teased Izuku? You've never been that rough before."

He turned on his side to look at you.
"You've never been so forward before."
He pulled you into him, trailing his hand up your back.

"My quirk changed me."

"I'm definitely not complaining."
He smirked.

You thought for a moment.
"I wonder how rough I can get you to be..."
You extended your nail into a claw, gently dragging it down along his throat.

He swallowed, a little shocked at the claw and the feeling it gave him.

"If this was you jealous from a touch..."
You trailed your claw down his chest.
"What if I told you I'd fucked someone else? Or should I say, two someone's. At once. Not long before I came back."

He chuckled in response and grabbed your throat.
"You really are a little slut now huh?"

"Well I am a succubus Katsuki. You've known since the first time we slept together it would never be just you."


"Just making sure, especially since you like to mark me."

He gave your throat a small squeeze.
"I like to mark what's mine, and you are mine. Maybe not now, but eventually."

You pushed him back onto the bed and straddled him.
"Ooo, someone's cocky."

He gripped your hips and chuckled.
"You do keep coming back."

"That's because you're fun to fuck."
You smiled and reached behind you, gripping his cock to start round two.
"And you're always ready for multiple rounds."

"So are you."
He lifted you up and you positioned him at your entrance.

"And now it's my turn to be rough."
You grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head, slamming yourself down onto his cock.

He stutter moaned and threw his head back, his hips involuntarily thrusting up into you.

You rolled your hips against him, feeling every inch of his cock. He groaned as you started to lift up and ride him, his wrists pulling at your hands to try and touch you.

"Not so fast Katsuki."
You smirked and flashed your eyes at him as you drained some energy so you could hold him down.

"N-not fair..."
He moaned as you slammed down on him again.

You stopped draining him but he had an angry look in his eyes. He wanted to touch you, grab you, kiss you and take control.

He lifted his head up as you continued to ride him, he tried to sit up and take control. So you made your tail come out, wrapping it around his throat and pulled his head back down. His desperation to take control was heightening the moment and making your orgasm build quickly.

He growled in response and narrowed his eyes at you.

"I told you Katsuki, it's my turn."
You lifted up and slammed down.

His growling was becoming feral as he pulled against your hands and tail, thrusting his hips into you as you rode him.

You moaned as you started to tighten.

He groaned and kept pulling against you, he was desperate to touch you.

"What's the matter Katsuki? You want to touch me?"
You teased and rolled your hips against him.

He growled again, still pulling to get free.

"Then beg for it."
You smirked at him.

"Fuck you."
He threw his head back and groaned, he was starting to get close too.

"Aw come on Katsuki."
Your pace was getting uneven as you edged closer.
"Stop being a brat and you can touch me."

He shouted and growled, he was about ready to burst from desperation.
"Fuck fine!"
He stopped pulling against your hands and you stopped to look at him.
"Y/N, please. I want to touch you. Let me fucking touch you, please."

"Good boy."
You cooed and bent down to kiss his lips, letting go of his wrists and putting your tail away.

He wasted no time roughly grabbing onto your hips to ram himself into you at an extremely rough pace. You moaned against his lips, tangling your fingers into his hair.

He slammed into you one last time, grunting as he filled you up. The feeling of him filling you knocked you over the edge, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave.

Your body shook against his and you pulled at his hair, before collapsing against his chest.

You tried to move but he held you against him.
"No, you're staying here for a while. You're warm."
He smirked as you looked up at him.

You just laughed and rested your head against his chest while he wrapped his arms around you to hold you there.

Bakugo didn't want to admit it, but you taking control really turned him on.


"So uh... you and Kacchan huh?"
Midoriya nervously asked as he leant against the kitchen counter to steady himself.

You teased as you picked up your coffee.

"Wh-what? N-no i-i just-"

"I'm teasing."
You giggled and walked closer to him.

He swallowed hard and pink filled his cheeks, just like yesterday when you teased him.
"That's not very nice..."

"But if you were jealous..."
You continued to tease, dragging a nail down his chest.
"I could change that, Izuku."
You cooed and his eyes widened.


You giggled and backed off.
"It's way too easy to fluster you."

He watched you walk off and Todoroki joined him in the kitchen.

He asked as he saw Midoriya's red face.

"She's intense."

Todoroki turned around, watching you walk over to the couch where Bakugo and Kirishima were sat.
"She is."

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