🍋Chapter 3 - DabiHawks🍋

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Dabi had now moved his hand down to your waist, so both boys were now holding you there. You led them both through the back, past all the private rooms and to a door.

"Just how much did you pay Dabi?"
Keigo asked as you flashed your eyes to the bouncer, who opened the door for you.

"A lot."
Dabi replied simply as you led both men up the stairs.

"You seem nervous Keigo."
You taunted as you opened the door to a large room.

Both men stopped as you turned and locked the door. This room was reserved for people with quirks like yours. You and the men looked around the room, it had anything you could possibly need.

"Isn't this a strip club Dabi?"
Keigo asked.

"He paid enough for extra treatment."
You smirked and gently dragged your fingers across his wings.

He groaned and spun around, pinning you against the wall with one of his hands beside your head.
"Don't do that kid, don't touch my wings."
His lips were parted and his eyes were beginning to dilate.
"Especially not right now."

You felt Dabi lean down towards your ear, he lowered his voice as he spoke.
"It's spring, he's in rut."

You thought to yourself.
Maybe he can actually satiate me.

"Is that supposed to scare me?"
You looked up at Keigo and gently trailed your finger under his chin, extending one of your claws as you did and making him shiver. In the light you now realised you recognized him, he was Hawks. A pro hero.

Dabi grabbed your face and turned your head to him.
"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into do you?"
He trailed his thumb across your bottom lip, making both of them part slightly.
"Little mouse."
His voice was a low growl as those words left his mouth.

You were getting excited, doing this and making two men act like this was giving you a rush, especially since one was a pro hero. You wondered if it was like this for every succubus and incubus.

"Neither do you two."
You smirked at them.

Out of the corner of your eyes you saw Hawks' wings puff up again, his breath seemed strained and staggered. You focused your eyes and noticed Dabi's aura was bright but calm, whereas Hawks' was burning almost out of control. Dabi was right, he was definitely in rut.

You thought for a moment while looking between the two men. You wondered what you could say or do to tip one of them over the edge, your arousal began to pool at the thought of what Hawks would do if his sexual tension got too much for him.

As Dabi's thumb trailed across your lip again, you moved your head forward to take his thumb into your mouth. Dabi growled as you sucked along his thumb, but you looked over at Hawks up and through your eyelashes.

And that was it, his aura nearly exploded. You unfocused your eyes and he pushed Dabi off you, grabbing your hips with a feral growl and slamming his lips onto yours. Dabi stumbled back a little and chuckled darkly as Hawks picked you up, flying you over to the bed in the back of the room and slamming you down on it.

Your body burned with excitement, he pressed himself between your legs and he was already as hard as a rock. Dabi was walking over as Hawks detached some of his feathers, using them to strip you both so that he didn't have to move from your lips.

He growled before picking you up and changing position so you were on your hands and knees. You couldn't see but his eyes were completely dilated as he roughly grabbed your hips, slamming you back onto his cock.

You let out a high pitched moan at the sudden feeling and used your hands to steady yourself on the bed. It hurt, you still needed to heal but you weren't going to complain.

"Starting without me Keigo? That's rude."
Dabi had crawled onto the bed and grabbed your throat. He pulled your head up and made you look up at him.

Hawks wasn't paying any attention to him, he was too busy holding onto your hips and railing you from behind. You couldn't help but moan while you were forced to look up at Dabi, who was stroking himself while he watched Hawks take you.

Dabi grabbed your face and roughly kissed you. You moaned against his lips as the man behind you continued to slam into you. Hawks was grunting and groaning with each slam and you started to tighten around him.

As Dabi pulled back your mouth was open, watering a little as he let your face go. Your head dropped back down and you noticed he had a jacob's ladder. He pushed his cock into your mouth and groaned.

You moaned against his cock, swirling your tongue around the tip. He pushed his way in and down your throat right as you clamped down around Hawks. The feeling of both men stuffing you at the same time made you release.

Your moans were muffled by Dabi's cock, he wrapped your hair around his fist and started to bob your head. Both men were starting to moan and you were just enjoying the feeling of the spit roast they were giving you, it was rough but you were loving it.

While Dabi was bobbing your head you were flicking your tongue across his piercings. Hawks slammed deeply, and moaned loudly as he grabbed your hips harder. You felt him twitch inside you and your succubus instincts kicked in, as he came you kept your eyes closed and drained the sexual energy from his high. While doing so, you took Dabi so deep you felt your face press against him.

Dabi moaned and released into your mouth, so you drained the energy from that too while swallowing.

Once the pain from your operation completely disappeared you stopped draining them. It was exactly the same as draining normal energy.

Dabi pulled out of your mouth and looked down at you panting, even Hawks pulled out and stayed still on his knees.

"What the hell was that?"
Hawks panted as his wings puffed.

You looked between both boys and flashed your eyes, smirking at them.

"She's a damn succubus."
Dabi chuckled.

"I am, and I'm not done with you both yet."
You pushed Dabi down and turned around to straddle him, sinking yourself down onto his cock. He groaned and grabbed your hips.

You moaned as you went down, enjoying the different feeling his piercings were giving you. You bent forward to take Hawks into your mouth.

Both men moaned at the feeling of you, they were both still sensitive and you were loving every second of it. You rolled your hips against Dabi, while looking up at Hawks and licking up along his shaft.

Dabi growled and you felt his hands heat up as he slammed your hips down against him. You moaned and that was enough for Hawks you grab your hair and push your head down.

Hawks groaned and flung his head back as you took him into your throat. While Dabi picked up his pace, he took one hand and started rubbing circles around your clit. Your hips bucked back against him and he started to rub faster.

You bobbed your head up and down on Hawks, making sure to trail your tongue as you did. You could feel yourself tighten around Dabi and Hawks bucked his hips up to make you take him into your throat again.

You moaned and gagged slightly while Dabi began to thrust harder as he chased his orgasm. You started to clamp down around Dabi and Hawks' grip on your hair tightened.

Your moans were muffled as you came, your hips bucking back against Dabi. He pushed into you deeply as you shook against him and he released. Hawks wasn't far behind, you kept him in your mouth and swallowed every drop.

You drained the sexual energy from both of their highs again. Both men pulled out of you and collapsed back on the bed, panting heavily. You got out from between them both and laid down as well, catching your own breath.

You all laid there for a moment, bathing in the feeling of ecstasy. You were happy that your urges were satisfied.

Well, at least for now that is.

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