🍋Chapter 33 - Aizawa🍋

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"I-in here?!"
Your voice came out as a squeak.

He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his body.
"Your punishment can't wait."

He lifted you up, you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and he pressed you up against the lockers. You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked at him with a flustered expression.

While keeping you pressed against the lockers, he undid his belt and pants so that he could free himself. Once he did, he started to rub you.

He kissed and licked along your neck.
"Bad girls need to learn their lesson."
He pushed your underwear to the side and penetrated you with two fingers.

You rested your head back against the lockers, letting out a small moan. He pumped his fingers into you and curled them up, humming in satisfaction as you tried not to moan too loudly.

"You get wet so easily, little kitty slut."
He pulled his fingers out of you and growled as he pushed his cock into you.

Your arms and legs tightened around his body and he began to thrust into you. It didn't take long before he was thrusting hard and fast, almost rocking your body into the lockers.

You tried to keep your voice quiet.

He was growling as he slammed into you, trying to silence his own voice by biting your neck. You bit your lip to stifle another moan and your legs began to shake as you tightened around him.

Aizawa pulled back from your neck.
"Are you going to cum, kitten?"

"Y-yes Daddy..."
You moaned out as you got closer.

"How close?"
He asked as you started to clamp down.

After you answered, he stopped thrusting and pulled out of you.
You looked at him, panting as he put your legs down.

He adjusted himself back into his boxers and fastened his pants back up. Your heart was beating heavily, he'd stopped right as you were on the edge. He tilted your chin to look up at him.

"Bad girls don't get to cum."
He planted a gentle kiss on your lips, then turned around and walked off.

You growled to yourself in annoyance, grabbing your skirt as he unlocked the doors and exited through the gym door. If it wasn't for the bet you'd just won with Bakguo you'd be extremely angry and extra frustrated. You huffed, pulling your blazer and tie on before grabbing your bag and heading to class.


You were frustrated and annoyed throughout the rest of the day. Aizawa had acted like nothing had happened, except the odd smirk when he saw you bouncing your leg when you couldn't concentrate. You tried to focus on anything other than the fact you'd been denied an orgasm, but it was hard to focus on much else.

Luckily the day seemed to pass quickly, and you couldn't get back to your dorm fast enough. You quickly slipped out of your uniform and into some comfy shorts and a tank top. After a few more moments, there was a knock at your door.

You opened it to see Bakugo there.
"Someone's eager."
You smirked at him.

"Shut it."
He growled, pushing you backwards and kicking the door shut with his foot.
"I'm just going first."

You stumbled a little while laughing, right before he grabbed your hips and pulled you so hard you slammed against his body. He crashed his lips onto yours, kissing you furiously as he backed you to the bed. Your legs hit it and you fell back, him falling on top of you with a grunt.

Your door opened, closed and locked.
"You didn't think you could start without us, right Kacchan?"

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