Chapter 9 - Sensitive Wings

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"Kiri what was that? Just before you took control?"

"Oh... that..."
He laughed nervously and continued to stroke your back.
"It's been a long time since I was with someone, let alone a girl who is that good of a Dom. I just lost control of my quirk, I'm sorry."

You put your hand on his chest and looked up at him.
"You don't need to be sorry, I thought it was great."
You moved on top of him to straddle him.
"Maybe next time you can do it on purpose."

He smirked up at you and gripped your hips.
"Next time huh?"

"Oh absolutely."


"You too Kiri? What does she do?"
Denki asked as he jumped on the couch next to Kiri, who had been really quiet and subdued all day.

"She used the tail didn't she?"
Bakugo grinned over at Kiri, who nodded.

"Wait, TAIL?"
Midoriya's voice squeaked.

"Yeah, she has a tail."
Kirishima sighed.

"What does she do with it?"
Denki asked while looking intently at Bakugo and Kirishima, who just looked at each other and smiled.
"Even you won't tell me Kirishima? So unfair man."
Denki sighed and slumped against the couch.

Not long after their conversation you walked past the couch and into the kitchen, to make yourself some coffee. Their eyes all watched you walk as they fell silent.

"Is it just me or does she look hot in everything she wears?"
Denki asked and the others nodded.

While Denki, Kirishima and Bakugo continued to talk Midoriya and Todoroki were silently watching you. Midoriya was just tapping his foot and thinking.

After you'd finished making your coffee, you heard footsteps behind you.
"Oh hey Midoriya."
You smiled as you turned around.

"Y-Y/N... is it uh, is it true you have a tail?"
He asked nervously while rubbing his arm.

"Yes it is."
You smiled and made your tail appear, pushing it out over your shorts.

"Woah, that's amazing!"
He grinned and instinctively reached for your tail.

You jumped slightly as his fingers touched your tail, caressing your skin.
You stuttered out and gripped your mug harder. You didn't realise your tail was actually sensitive.

"It's amazing!"
He grinned and continued to caress your tail.
"It's scaly yet so soft!"

You nearly gasped as you lost your composure and your wings sprouted out from under your tank top.

Midoriya jumped back slightly as he heard the flap of your wings, but it didn't take him long to reach for them.

You almost panted and looked over at him, the quiet tone of your voice made him blush.

Your face was flushed, your wings were even more sensitive than your tail. The simple touch of his fingers over your sensitive scales was making your desire start to rise. You knew your quirk came with increased desires, but the way it climbed so quickly from his touch was painful.

He looked down at you, seeing your flushed face. His eyes widened as he realised what he was doing.
"O-oh! I'm so sorry!"
He jumped back and put his hands up in defense.

"I-it's okay..."
You replied back with a small smile, and took a big gulp of your coffee.
"I just didn't expect it."

"I should have asked first, I'm sorry! But they just looked so cool!"
He was smiling, his eyes lighting up.

You finished your coffee and smiled.
"It's fine, you can touch my wings and tail if you want to."

His face lit up.

You smiled back and rinsed out your mug.

His hands went straight back to your wings, making you jump. As his fingers trailed across the thin, sensitive skin of your wings you shivered. You had to grab onto the counter when his fingers touched the part of your wings where the skin met the bone.

You breathed out and turned around to look at him, he was looking down at you and admiring your wings.

Once he noticed you looking up at him with a flushed face, he blushed.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
He slowly stopped touching your wings.

"Yeah, they're just sensitive..."
You smiled up at him and he just smiled back down at you.

"I'm s-"
Before he could apologise again, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to kiss you.

He softly moaned as you did, not expecting you to do it. His hands went into your hair, tangling his fingers in and keeping your head close.

Using your wings to hide you, you snaked your tail up his body to wrap it around his throat and gently squeezed. He whimpered and pulled back, looking down at you with parted lips.

"Your room is closer than mine..."
You whispered and gently palmed him through his jeans.
"So I'll follow you up."
You released your tail from his neck.

He whimpered again and nodded. He gave you another quick kiss before heading off to his room. You let out a shaky breath, trying to focus to put your wings and tail away. You waited a few more minutes before following Midoriya to his room.

While you were making your way to his room, he was sat on his bed and tapping his foot due to his nerves. He couldn't believe what had just happened, and now he was sat here waiting for you.

When he heard his door open, he shot up from the bed to make his way to you.
"Y/N are you su-"
You cut him off again, shutting the door with your foot and kissing him as you backed him up to the bed.

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