Temperance Madeline Oliveira-Strand-Part 1

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Temperance is 16 and has one hell of a life. She is the result of Owen Strand's second marriage to Summer Oliveira, her older half brother TK is almost 10 years older than her. Summer and Owen broke up when Temperance was 2 so she barely remembers her parents being together, Summer went onto meet and marry Charles Seymour a rich stuck up fool. Her stepfather bought a house in Forks Washington where she grew up but spilt her time between NYC and Forks. Then there was her step farther Charlie. He was decent but had his stages of being vindictive, malicious over all cruel and abusive but only to Temperance. Then there was Edward, Charles brother. That is another story.

With Owen and TK in Austin.

Owen's phone went off as the 126 were cooking lunch, "Yeah. Is she okay? Thats great, yes guardianship has come to me. Okay tell her I love her and that TK said hi," he quickly added as TK waved like a baboon, "Is she okay why did they call?" "She's fine there letting her out in two weeks but it will also means she's coming to ours," "Thats brilliant I haven't seen her for almost a year," "Who are you talking about?" The two boys look up to Paul, Mateo and Marjan looking for an explanation but Judd already knew what was going on. "My sister Tempe well she's my half sister but I still love her to death. We used to be really close till it happened," "What happened?" Mateo asked. TK glanced up at his dad who instinctively put an arm around his son, "About two years ago she had a psychotic breakdown and had to be institutionalised, they have limited access to the outside world including family you can send letters and parcels but they are heavily safe guarded half the time I think she doesn't even get our letters. Even before then she was distant, we still don't know what caused her breakdown."

They both spoke with sorrow in there voices, they really did miss her. 

(Would it work to make this a book in itself?)

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