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Requested by @hardywoman99 '911 and 911 lone star one shots: Owen Strand daughter Sarah has been acting out like back talking not listening to grown ups and skipping school and getting bad grades age 15 years old'

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️: Suicide (nothing to graphic but none the less) and car accident 

Sarah Gweynneth Strand, originally from Queens, New York City on the Manhattan border and like most teenagers was grossly misunderstood. Especially Sarah. Her family all seemed to have problems, her half brother TK drugs, her dad cancer, her mum well where to begin a history of mental illness as a veteran. Including her, though she never had insurance so no therapy for her, f the American health system. Her and her dad were awkward terms so to speak, he didn't understand that Sarah had watched her mother blow her head off with a shotgun and her father figure killed in a car crash. With no other option she had to relocate to Austin Texas.

The whole drive there she sat staring out of the window glassy eyed, she didn't talk, didn't cry, didn't move, didn't eat, didn't sleep. She was emotionless always. "Hey Sarah want to help cook pasta?" Sarah stayed quiet barely looking up from the sofa, "Great, TK she talks to you right?" "Barely leave her be dad if you don't understand her," TK barely understood her anyway. That was true. TK and Owen left for there first shift the next morning, Owen left a note saying the neighbour Sydney Wilson would pick her up from school and check on her while there on shift. That was the last thing she needed right now.

"I don't know anymore TK I just don't," Owen moaned gulping down his coffee, "I don't know either dad," "Sarah's just odd," "No she's traumatised. She watched her mother blow her head off with a shotgun dad, to add to that while on the way home from the hospital after her mothers skull impaled her you couldn't pick her up, correction you refused to pick her up and barred me from doing so. Leaving her mum's boyfriend the man you thought was a psycho but was a better dad and at least cared for the both of us, she drove her home got in a car crash trapping them both in the car where he died in front of her. You don't get to judge her for her trauma dad," "What's going on I just overheard that entire screaming match and I still need context," Judd yelled forcing the two apart, "My daughter Sarah, second wife she doesn't talk, barely moved when we're home just sits there staring. When she's not doing that she's a pain in the ass, skips school, swears at us, she put a hole through a wall at the 252. She's unbelievably strong despite her small size," "Owen can't you not say one word about your daughter that is not nasty can you?" Judd snapped diffusing the conversation, it was brutal how Judd was tearing into Owen, "Why don't you try talking to her?" "Okay maybe."

Sarah got kicked out of three classes, swore at 8 teachers, a typical day. Till she got suspended. She was hoping that the school wouldn't tell her dad but a lass all it took was one phone call. Sydney was outside to pick her up, "Sarah you funny child," "Thank you look you don't have to do this I can find my own way in life," "Ambition without the knowledge is like a boat on dry land, I also spoke to your teachers and picked up missing homework for you," his words were concise and to the point, Sydney didn't believe in flamboyancy in words they should be to the point. "No I'm fine on my own," Sarah shouted running straight across the road. The sudden sharp sound of a car horn made Sarah freeze in her tracks, a delivery car slammed on it's breaks inches from her. Out of habit she leapt up landing in tiger position on the hood, "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," "It's okay I'm okay," she panted climbing off, Sydney knew. "Where did you learn to jump into tiger position?" "I don't know, I just did it," "They don't teach that to kids in public high school now a days," Sarah sat down against the fence, "My mum used to teach me every evening while she wasn't on deployment. She gave me a lesson before she blew her head off," "Sarah I'm," "Don't say your sorry it!s nothing you could help. That's why I'm in this state I watched everyone that cared for me, truly. Died in the span of 48 hours, my dad and my brother can't seem to comprehend that all I want is love. Something dad doesn't understand and TK, TK's been busy rebuilding his life after moving to Austin. You know karate?" "Yes I do," "Could you teach me?" "Okay one lesson for three English homework," "Uh uh," "No homework no lesson," "Two math papers," "Two math one history," "Done," with that they began.

Day by day Sarah improved, physically, mentally, emotionally and behaviourally. Everyone who was around her long enough noticed. Took TK and Owen a little longer but after a stern talking to by Sydney they finally had the much needed conversation with Sarah. They got her into therapy and listened to her instead of just brushing her off. Therapy helped her work through her issues and the mental discipline of karate was helping her as well and was even recommended by her therapist. She was finally at peace with her past and was looking forward to a good life. 

Not my best but I'm tired posted at 00:23am, I've been working all weekend and Bank Holiday Monday and with school going back in two days I want to tie up loose ends. I'll come back to it at a later date and improve it. 

Little rant here but the one shots and stories I've been working are all long term, so aside from ideas from that I'm stumped! Tried and stumped, all this comes from late night ideas that keep me up but I forget it by morning. It's so annoying. I haven't even started a request yet. I haven't seen my friends since before the half term and my mental health has taken a nose dive, my parents are the 'toughen up buttercup' type and when I mentioned it to my sister she's 'it's all in your head' yeah right. My symptoms of bipolar disorder is 'all in my head' , my symptoms of anxiety is all in my head. Yeah so I can easily fake the nerves and the second guessing I am constantly doing, not trusting myself. Yeah like I can fake the fact that I work myself up to the point where I'm physically sick over nothing. 

Sorry for the rant. 

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