We're A Family, All 4 Of Us 3/3

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Yes I'm posting this at 00:34 GMT I don't sleep and it's the easter holidays, I really couldn't care less. 

Hope you enjoy the last part of 'We're A Family, All Four Of Us', be sure to comment anything in particular you would like to see in this book. I have many that just need fine tuning before posting so there coming soon.

Thanks again to @The_lazy_leo for the encouragement to finish this series.

Have a wonderful day yall.

His head was spinning the room was a blurred mess. The sound of an oven timer tinging caught his attention, "Ooh your awake," a sweet womanly voice asked, only then did Carlos notice he was bound to the work surface support, "Careful don't move to much I just got the bleeding to stop, you were hit in the head with a shovel." A second voice was what he remembered but in the span of about our hours it was a total blur.

TK was trying his best to help all the while keeping Louise and Harper occupied, the sneaky girls had other plans though. They told Andrea who was meant to be watching them that they were going with Grandpa and dad but told grandpa and dad that they were staying with Andrea boom, now they just needed to sneak onto the back seats. Louise peered out of the window reporting back to Harper what she saw, she heard the clanging from that 1950's house, Harper opened the door and they rocketed to hide and investigate further. They heard their papa shouting for help when no one else did. Carefully the girls shimmied the window open catching a woman leaving the room, Harper went in first then Louise shutting the window. Faces lit up as Carlos saw them and they him, "Papa," Louise smiled gently pulling the masking tape off, "Girls what are you doing here?!" "We've come to rescue you," "Does daddy know your here?" "No," the door swung open and the girls dove behind Carlos's minimum protection. "Who are they, what are they doing here?" "Their my daughters I don't know how they ended up here but please if you can't spare me just get them out, get them back to their dad," "Papa I'm scared," Harper whimpered, "Its going to be okay, going to be okay baby girl," "You seem like a good father," "He really is, please daddy wouldn't cope without him," "Please we want our papa!"

Trudie looked hesitant, frantically searching her mind for any other reason, carefully she cut Carlos's rope. First thing Carlos did was hug his girls, "Is that your son," "Yes," "Girls stay in here!" Carlos ordered charging out to take on this sicko. It caught him totally off guard when Trudie injected him with the entire bottle of morphine, despite this she was keeping her promise to get Harper and Louise out. TK and Gabriel burst in, hearing their dad the girls came rushing out only to have to quietly watch TK try and save Carlos. "Gimme the NARCAN!" TK yelled to the police officer reaching out for the NARCAN, he stabbed it into Carlos's thigh praying it will work. He drew a sharp sudden breathe as he launched up to try and fight off TK, "Hey baby it's okay, it's okay," he practically flopped onto TK realising it was his fiancé, "Papa!" The girls exclaimed running over to join in on the hug, TK made a mental note to question the girls later.

The family went with Carlos to the hospital, sure enough Andrea and Iris were there waiting, answers and Harper and Louise's lies were unraveled. "How are you feeling?" Andrea asked, "I just need Louise, Harper and TK, there over reacting," "Yeah you almost died," "Thanks for saving my life," "Oh baby you saved your own life I was just holding onto it for a bit," "It's yours," he smiled holding TK's hand. "Papa!" The girls announced bursting into the room with Iris, "Couldn't keep 'em away, "Girls come here," Carlos smiled, Harper and Louise curled up next to Carlos.


A few months later Harper and Louise were running down the aisle in flower girl dresses to meet there parents on their wedding day, they wore purple to compliment their parents wearing burgundy and blue suits. They got to watch as they officially became The Reyes-Strand Family throwing paper petals at their dads when the kiss the groom came around. The family danced the night away Harper couldn't be taken off of the dance floor, "Harper I'm going to show you something that I learnt in Scouting, perfect timing, I'm going to teach you the Cotton Eyed Joe," TK smiled taking her hand to catch the beat, he clapped he alternated between tapping the back of each of his heels then in front, box step, crossover box step then a 90* pogo stick jump clock wise to start all over again. Harper got the hang of it by the second go getting others involved as well all following TK's lead. "Since when could you dance!" Carlos shouted over the music, "Since I never got the chance!" "I love you do you know that," "Honey it's our wedding day so yes of course I love you," they stole a cheeky kiss to the toots of everyone else. That beautiful family in the wedding photos. At the end of the night it was a round up of the sober adults to see who could take the girls home as the newlyweds wanted to live it up for the night without children bursting in on them, it was Owen in the end.

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