TK's Twin

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No one in Austin knew I had an identical twin as no one had met her but it made sense when you pair it to the fact that she had been in the army for 8 years. Her name was Abigail-Josephine Strand though she mostly went by AJ despite few (me) still trying to call her Libby or Abby. AJ was stationed in Iraq as a sniper, her base location has awful signal so most people communicate by letters in that region. When AJ got promoted to an officer at 23 she sent her old out of date dog tags back home for dad to put away but I got a hold of them and started wearing them as a reminder of my twin. Especially now that she was MIA.

"TK I didn't know you served," Marjan asked pointing to the dog tags hanging loose out of my shirt. "No I didn't," I said quietly tucking them away out of sight, Dad watched what had happened and pulled me aside, "You okay son?" "As good as I can be given the circumstances," "Does Carlos know?" "No he doesn't need this especially as he is dealing with his own family issues we've just got to hope for the best," "TK I know you and AJ have your own way of communicating even when you're miles apart why don't you try again?" "Yeah maybe I will." AJ and I had our own way of communicating, we could close our eyes and we could hear each other just like were standing next to each other. It looked weird to outsiders me or her just randomly talking to ourselves like we were being answered but thats what made the Strand twins unique.

I got back before Carlos that night, I put my bag away in our bedroom before sitting at the table with AJ's photo in hand, it was one she had sent from Iraq. She seemed so full of life in that photo, Major AJ Strand on her way to be a lieutenant colonel that is if she was still around that is. A radio dug into my back as a warm pair of arms wrapped round my body, "Who's that?" Carlos asked leaning on the back of my head, "AJ?" he looked at me if not for an explanation on who AJ is, "AJ Strand my twin," "Oh how come I have never heard of her or seen her around? Is she still in New York?" "I wish," I guess I said that out loud, "She joined the army straight out of high school when we were both 18. She is a Major in her unit well was a major," he pulled me in tighter before whispering, "What do you mean was?" "She's MIA her unit completely disappeared without a trace about a week ago now, I didn't want to worry you." He (finally) pulled his radio off and put most of his gear away before returning to literally smother me in love. I left the photo at the table to stay out of the way of you know.

After a magnificent day off I returned to work happy as I could be. We got a few rather weird call outs that shift but nothing to crazy. One was where we got to stop a drunk halogen on the road because the police couldn't get there in time, Carlos called us firefighters cocky but we all knew he liked it. He stopped by to discuss what had happened with dad making sure to say hello to Buttercup before anything else happened. I bumped into him so we started talking. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. My eyes met hers and not joking I lifted her up by her waist hugging her tight, "Let me guess this is AJ?" Carlos asked, "The one and only." The girl said, I was still gripping to her for dear life, "TK as much as I love you put me down your gonna rip my stitches!" She finally yelled practically ordering me to put her down. As soon as she had to feet on the ground she was bleeding.

"AJ!" I screamed bolting up in mine and Carlos' bedroom, "Woah TK you okay?" "Yeah just a bad dream thats all," "Wanna tell me about it?" He whispered as I settled back down, "It was AJ she came home but she fell to the floor, there was blood everywhere," "It was just a dream, it was just a dream no need to dwell on them you just need to let them go."

Third person

Weeks went by and there was still no word of AJ or her unit no one in the US knew anything about it. That was until it got leaked by accident and made National headlines, "Hey Dad you might wanna get down here to see this!" TK yelled as the news feature about AJ's unit came on, the two men stood in silence behind the 126 snapping at anyone who tried to say anything. By the end of the report they were bubbling with anger, "Is that what she is to them? Collateral damage? Is that what they are, there just gonna give up?" TK repeated feeling the anger in his bones, "I don't know son, think about it logically for a sec they've been missing almost two months the likely hood of them, any of them being found is slim to none let alone alive. AJ is no different I'm afraid. I know that look in your eyes I'd see it twice at once more often than not, remember when I called you two half's of a whole?" "Yeah how could I forget she got it tattooed across her shoulder in latin if I remember correctly. She always loved languages we used to cheat on our language papers together," "TK you lost your other half and I lost my little girl and her brother is a grown child those big ass generals aren't gonna care about every single lousy probie that barely lasts two days." Owen had TK laughing now through the tears, "If you don't mind us saying who are you talking about?" Judd asked.

The two spent hours giving them an explanation on AJ even doing a little show and tell on the occasion, TK was mad that Marjan and Mateo had access to his baby photos. When Owen left TK told them about how he can telepathically talk to AJ, he trusted them where his dad had never believed him and AJ. No matter how many times they had proven it Owen never believed them. "Okay hold so you are saying you can telepathically speak to your twin? Don't believe you," Judd cocked leaning deeper into his chair, "Yeah no one ever does," "So have you heard from her?" "Yeah everyday never words. Always screams of pain and anguish, I've had to learn how to tune it out as lately it's be unbearable it's like Tinnitus. I can hear her and it breaks me to hear her in pain," things clicked in Paul's head just then, "That's why you've been grumpier than usual and constantly wearing headphones," "To drown it out," the whole team ended with.

126 was there for Owen and TK for the foreseeable future after all they were family.

AJ had one wild ride once she was freed. She along with her unit were captured, beaten, tortured and raped by their enemy. No one was 'okay'. Army brought AJ and her unit state side and practically ordered them to accept paid shore leave.

The 126 got a call out to the Army base on a sergeant getting his head stuck in the whole in a table, no one could keep a straight face. After the rescue TK scanned the crowd of army folk laughing there head off, his emerald green eyes met an identical pair. He examined there owner before his jaw drop. Heart pounding he raced into the crowd where he was met with open arms, "TK I never thought I'd see you again," "Neither did I AJ," they clung onto each before TK picked his sister up by the shoulders, "Is that my baby girl?" Owen smiled as his dolphin arms engulfed his twins. "Hey TK I'm getting off shift now I'll follow you back to the 126," "No you are riding with us, no buts. I can't believe your back!" He yelled cuddling his daughter. TK saw through her fake smile, he knew she was in pain, 'You sure your okay AJ?' 'No, tell you on the way.'

Owen and TK guided AJ to the 126, "Team this is AJ, AJ this is Paul, Marjan aka FireFox, Mateo, Judd, Michelle, Nancy and Tim," "Hey," they gave handshakes and fist bumps, they spotted how uneasy she was. She road back next to TK with her rucksack by her feet, 'So what did you want to tell me?' 'We were kidnapped on duty, tortured for weeks for information, we got rescued about two weeks ago and got to the states about three days ago. I feel like shit, I broke more bones than I can remember, myself and the other females unit members were repeatedly raped. It's just a hard thing to get used to, and certainly a hard thing to get over. We're not okay no one in my unit is, we're all state side now all at that base. Tonight we're going out for drinks to push it behind us you know get some good memories to kill the bad ones,' "Good for you, sorry force of habit," TK cursed, "It's fine took a while master my end, now try," 'Make sure you have a good time and get a round on me tonight,' he slipped her 20 bucks, 'Thanks,' "What the hell are you two doing you look like your talking but no words are being exchanged?" Mateo asked really confused, "Is this the telepathic crap?" "Yep we do it whenever we get the chance, it's a twin thing," TK chuckled. AJ gave him a friendly shoulder tap, "You know I will hit you back twice as hard?"

He did just as he said and punched her in the shoulder she had stitches in and had broken. "Fucking hell TK!" She yelled clutching her shoulder, "I told you!" "Oh god I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," "You alright back there?" "TK punched AJ and she's pissed and hurt," "TK apologies," Owen butted in, "We're 28 not toddlers," "No your big babies," Paul added only to face the fury of TWO Strands, TK they could just deal with now with an identical copy of TK this was gonna be fun.

AJ texted her unit saying she was at the 126 with her dad and brother and to meet her there for a bar crawl (they had picked that up from the UK units stationed in Iraq). She then quickly added that her future brother in law is a cop so they had to be on the best(?) behaviour. After talking for hours with the 126 they heard a, "Cap where are you?" "That's me!" AJ announced going to meet her team. "TK you have one hell of a twin," Mateo huffed.

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