TK Strand - Oops

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In this story TK suffers from mild Dermatographia or Skin Writing as it's better known as where lightly scratching your skin causes raised, red lines where you've scratched. This story does not solely represent the condition in the slightest. TK also switches between Firefighter and Paramedic roles.

What a wild call. A kid got stuck on a billboard above a motorway, it was all hands on deck from both PD and FD to get this kid straight back on the ground. "Can someone note down that the kid climbed up here at 10:46 am!" Tommy yelled so she could work out how long he had been up there. TK pulled up his sleeve and lightly pressed 10:46 am into his arm, then got back to the word getting this kid down. "What time did he go up TK?" Tommy asked pushing fluids, "10:46 am noted it on my arm," he presented the indent in his arm, "What? How is that possible?" Nancy gasped taking TK's arm, "Tell you when we get back to the station." Here we go, he's in for it now.

Back at the station TK leapt into the shower to wash off the grease and grime he collected from the billboard. He took no notice of the bathroom opening, "Why didn't you tell us you have a cool ability?!" Marjan yelled as Judd and Mateo pulled pulled the curtain back showing Nancy and Paul as well, "Dude get out!" He yelled ducking behind the curtain. "Get out then we'll talk!"TK shrieked shoving Mateo out of the cubicle and shutting the curtain. He slipped into a Austin FD top and joggers only to be met with the many many questions. Mad TK went down into the kitchen to make himself a bowl of cereal, "Come on TK how could you hide such a cool gift!" Mateo exclaimed, "Okay, okay, I have Dermatographia," they were extremely confused, "Skin writing? Basically where you press on my skin it leaves a light impression. Happy?!" He exclaimed pressing 126 onto his skin. 126 appeared seconds later and it held it's place for over 30 minutes.


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