Tarlos - Medallion

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Inspired by xxxfandomgirlxxx12's 'Trust Worthy part 2 (a tarlos love story) chapter 39 252. They are a brilliant writer I definitely recommend if you like Tarlos reading one of theres the 'Love You' and 'Trust Worthy' series by them is one of my favourite Tarlos series.

Requests as always are welcome I don't bite 

TK sat on the sofa at home fiddling with his wedding ring. Carlos always responded to his texts and TK even made sure he was on break when he texted, a simple 'I love you' left unopened and unread very odd for Carlos, even if he couldn't respond he would still read the text. Hearing the front door click open made him visibly relax, "Hey babe you didn't have to wait up," "I wanted to, to be honest I was worried for you," "Sorry. You'll find out, I was escorting a prisoner on foot up to the court house in my district and there head was blown off while I had my back turned. I was covered in blood, skull and tissue, I'm okay I swear," "Good, want the shower?" "Only if you join me," TK chuckled bobbing Carlos on the nose, "No sir I'll have to pass I'll meet you in bed though. Get that gel out of your hair while you're at it I like it when it's curly," Carlos happily smiled adding, "Anything for you Mr Strand-Reyes."

TK was sat in bed reading an online medical journal when Carlos arrived from the shower in just a towel, "Hey don't start without me," Carlos announced leaping onto TK, "No towel off first," "You want the towel off? It's gone," Carlos dropped the towel and climbed in next to TK, "Your horrible!" The younger man shouted laughing. Once they were both comfortable TK was the first to speak, "Carlos we signed up for this when we married one of another but our jobs. How close we are to death everyday you could have been shot instead of that prisoner. I might have not survived when I went through the ice," "TK I don't want to loose you," "And you won't, as long as this is still beating," he held Carlos's hand to his bare chest, his hand knocked his medallion. His dad had given him that when he was 7 and had worn it everyday since, "Close your eyes," TK whispered gently kissing Carlos's forehead, he unclasped his medallion and re-clasped it round Carlos's neck, "TK I can't take this," "That's why I'm giving it two you. Carlos I have something to tell you," "What?" He expected something terrifying and life changing, he was right about the second option, "I'm pregnant."

8 years later Blair was running around the 126 on her 7th birthday being chased by Mark, Judd and Grace's son. "Blair come here a sec!" Carlos called fiddling with the 252 medallion, "I have one last birthday present," the green eyed, tan skinned, brunette stood at her father's lap, she watched as he unclasped the medallion and placed it round her neck, "But papa it's yours," "No it's not it's your dads. You see he gave this to me the night we found out we were having you, this medallion is a tribute to the 252 firehouse in New York where your dad's from. Grandad over there used to be there Captain it was until an awful tragedy known as 9/11 took place only grandad survived, Dad wore this medallion to remind him of those people who despite the danger still saved lives giving theres in the process. That is true courage and bravery something I hope that one day you will understand and appreciate. That is why this pendant is yours now."

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