Toe punts and shin guards

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Requested by @hardywoman99: 911 and 911 Lone Star: Owen Strand daughter Mackenzie wants to join the swimming team and Owen tells her no because she can't really swim but she joins the swimming team anyways without her dad or anybody knowing so one day TK follows her and sees that she joined the swim team and TK tells his dad and then Mackenzie gets grounded. I'm sorry I'm changing the sport to British Football as swimming hits too close to home.

Mackenzie's foot bounced off the floor, she was so excited. Tonight she was trying out for the football team, she wanted to try out for ages but her dad and her brother were hesitant to allow her to try out and now she was doing it behind there back. She stood in the locker room fighting her way into her PE kit, studs and shin pads, playing hockey meant she already had the correct protective gear, "Girls hurry up!" The coach yelled beckoning the girls out of the locker room, excited Mackenzie was one of the first ones out. Being one of the first ones out meant she was the first to notice the sheer quantity of mud on the pitch.

They started with basics like passing techniques, coach drummed on about hitting the ball with the side of your front not the toe (take from someone who played football for four years seriously don't toe punt, you'll regret it) which fair enough. Next was header drills, fairly simple. That's all it mostly was drills, passing, shooting, marking, goal keeping. We were all excited for the match we were all cued up to play at the end. Now for the real action. Haliee on bibs started with Mackenzie as her marker, coach thought she would make a good striker and dam was he right. Mackenzie had a knack for this, passing bibbed midfielders left and right scoring like a champ. Growing fed up goalie Felicity picked up the ball and booted it up into the air. It soared high before tumbling down, defender Bindi spotted it rocketing towards the mud soaked ground, "Heads!" She yelled knowing from experience that if anything is coming from the sky you yell 'heads' at the top of your lungs. Message understood and a few others also yelled heads at the group of 8 midfielders and strikers.

Mackenzie looked up to see a purple mass racing towards her, she had just enough time to cover her face. The ball got her straight in the head and wrists the force knocked her back then through the mud. Mud acted like a slipping slide meaning she skidded before finally grinding to a halt. She was caked in mud, she could feel the blood pour from her arms, knees, thighs and shins. "Mackenzie you alright?" Coach yelled, was she? Her arms were killing her and the blood loss was making her dizzy. Her eyes rolled shut before she could give him an answer.

The 126 pulled up at the secondary school, a student had apparently been knocked out by a stray football. Mackenzie was now in and out and trying to leave, Lexi ran over to meet the firefighters, "Thank god, bibs were getting frustrated and booted the ball. We all shouted heads but Ez got the full force of the toe punt, got her clean out. She slid right across the old barbwire they'd gotten stuck in the mud," "Thanks we've got it from here," Captain Strand forced the gaggle of teenagers apart, "Right Austin FD.. Mackenzie Tyra Strand!" He was mad that was for sure, "Dad. Hi! I told you I'm," she tried to yet again stand up but fell straight onto Judd, "Oh your in trouble after you get checked out," Captain Vega, TK and Nancy leapt into there place, "He already knew," TK whispered, "What?" "I told him, he's so mad! Pulse is steady cap, possible fractured wrist though the cuts need antibacterial irrigation who knows whats in this mud."

Fractured wrist, concussion and stitches later and TK came through the front door his cowering sister behind him. "Mackenzie Tyra Strand I told you that you weren't allowed to attend football tryouts," "I was good," "I know. I wasn't going to let you go because the 126 wanted to take you on calls with us. We made the arrangements," "Oh," way to hit her where it hurt, she'd been wanting to go out on calls with the 126 for ages. Wow what a way to ruin her day. "Sorry," "Yeah dam right you should be sorry. I'm just glad your okay," Owen opened his arms for an awkward hug, "Your still grounded though," Mackenzie pouted hearing that horrific sentence.

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