I'm So Grounded 2/3

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Thank you so much for 2k views!! Please can I have some ideas for any 9-1-1 oneshots as I feel like all I have been writing is 9-1-1 Lonestar

Avery finished the piled high stack with great difficulty but she got it done. She ached to do something other than just sit there, "Dad," her voice was barely more than a whisper. She peered down to the 126, they were all cleaning the ladder truck perfect. Quietly she made her way down the stairs, out past the kitchen ducking under the counters before bolting out of the front door. Good thing she did track as an after school club. It was a long time before they noticed Avery's sudden departure, "Hey is Avery meant to be in your office cap?" Mateo asked pointing up at the empty office, "Yes she is, Avery!" The house erupted into calls for Avery, "Dad she's not here," "Where could she have gone?" They didn't know. TK secretly texted Carlos to keep an eye out for his mischievous little sister.

Avery ran till she couldn't run anymore, easily half a mile from the station. Where she had been so stubborn in the move to Austin she didn't take the time to get to know the area. Now she was totally lost. Somehow Avery made her way to an open field with benches surrounding it. For some reason her mind turned to Carlos, TK's boyfriend, they got a long well all things considering. Avery must of sat there for hours just watching the world go by, the trains station across the road made for an interesting escape. Imagining people's stories.

"Avery?" A Texan voice called out from behind her, without thinking she tried to take off running again but the voice stopped her again, "Avery I can catch you, there's no point in running. You don't have to be afraid of me," she turned to face Carlos who was now only standing a few feet from her, "I'm not, let me guess my brother texted you?" "Yep. Now why did you run off and why did you try and run from me now?" She rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and sat down on the bench again, "It's a long story," "Got all afternoon," "It's really just complicated," "I'm a pretty good at understanding. I'm not going to drop this," "Fine. I just did, there was this urge inside of me to do it. It's always been there but the beast has truly been awoken by moving here. I didn't want to leave NYC," "What was so special about NYC that you didn't want to leave," "Well, it's, I, I just didn't want to leave," "You sure? I ain't no expert but it sounds to me like you didn't know anything else and you didn't want to leave your comfort zone. Take a leap of faith once in a while. Who knows you might actually enjoy yourself from time to time. Now come on let's get you home," "I don't want to go, I am going to be in so much trouble more than before and worse of all they won't understand why I ran in the first place," "Avery your dad and your brother are worried sick about you," "Just leave me alone Carlos, just leave me alone," Avery got up and bolted giving Carlos little time to react. He chose against going after her.

Once she ran out of breath once again Avery still wanted to go further to give herself good distance from Carlos. Doing so she slipped in the wet mud skidding straight into a concrete pillar lined with barbwire, she could taste the blood in her mouth and her leg was aching beyond belief. Looking up she found herself on a waters edge off a busy road. Avery sat at the waters edge just staring out into the world, it must have drawn someone's attention as the sound of sirens made her jump. "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" "Hi yes there's this girl sat down by the river around 15 years old, she's not responding to any type of communication and is completely ignoring everyone around her," "Ma'am what is the purpose of this call?" "I haven't gotten there yet, her legs and feet are caked in mud, her face has dried tears and dried blood on it and she is avoiding any pressure on her leg, not only that her wrist has a peace of barbwire in it," "I think I got you now ma'am what is your location?" "River Road on the south side of the boat rental opposite the ice cream van," "RA units are on there way."

*EMS 126, engine 126 distressed youth* The search for Avery was put on hold so they could respond to this call. "Alright listen up this is a delicate case, the caller stated that the teen has not respond to any forms of assistance from strangers and given her location there is a chance she might jump so we move slow and careful. Good luck," one by one they slipped out of the engine making sure not to slam the door like they normally did. Carlos pulled up as this case needed police response. The new paramedic working with Michelle, Nancy and Tim didn't recognise Avery and as he went first. "Miss I'm gonna need you to come back from the edge," there was no response, "Miss can you hear/understand me?" No response, her eyes were locked on the horizon, "I don't want you, I want my brother," "Who's your brother we can bring him here?" "TK won't come," TK? The fire Captain's son? Frantically he mouthed for TK to get over there.

Following orders TK edge forward taking the place of the paramedic, "Now you asked for me," "Hey Ty," "Avery?" Even under all the mud and blood he recognised the piercing green eyes as his own. Without even thinking he engulfed Avery in a hug lifting her off the floor by her shoulders inching her away from the waters edge, "TK what are you?" "I think you need to apologise for running off," TK whispered Avery agreed, "Dad I'm sorry for running off," "Avery Kate Strand get over here," Owen opened his arms to allow her to hug him tight, "Ah ah, forget about the barbed wire," "Yes hold still," Owen untangled the first piece, "How did this happen?" "I slipped in the mud skidded straight through a barbwire fence and into a concrete pillar, my leg took most of the impact," Michelle held back a laugh before instructing Judd where to pull out the little flecks of the wire.

Once she took the weight off her bad foot the pain began leading them to believe she has either broken or fractured it. Her shin and knee was another thing, "Avery it's a miracle you aren't in more pain, you've dislocated your knee and your foot," "Wow," "We're gonna need to snap your foot and your knee back into place. TK can you?" "I'll help, Avery there gonna numb your leg but I'll be straight it's gonna hurt like hell, understand," before she could acknowledge what he had said TK's grip on her shoulders tighten and the sharp flashes of pain radiated through her body. With her knee and foot back in place they were shipped off into the hospital.

X-rays showed that she had indeed fractured her ankle and knee and spooked the doctors with how much damage she had done from just falling over. Avery ended up in support braces and on crutches practically guaranteeing that she wasn't going to runaway again. "Right Avery you gonna run away again?" Owen asked towering over his daughter who was sat up on the sofa her left leg was propped up on a futon, "No don't think so. I'm grounded and I've fractured my knee and foot I'm not going anywhere," "Right you have our numbers, Grace will come round to check on you once in a while as will Carlos so behave for them," "See you later dad," what a family she had. "Yeah ain't no way in hell I'm going anywhere. I am so grounded literally."

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