Carlos Reyes - Ironic Needle Phobia

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Carlos makes light of his bad genetics, he does YouTube shorts and TikTok under the handle TD1_Carlos to help spread awareness of not only his own invisible disability but others as well. If you haven't guessed already he's a type one diabetic and always makes light of it. He joked in his videos that it's his luck that he's dating a paramedic, he hasn't told the internet yet that he's gay for the fear of backlash. If TK would come in the room while he was vlogging he would just make faces behind the camera, the funniest though would be when he's on his break at work and would just end up checking his devices and levels. He was recording a video about an omnipod change only to find on camera he didn't have any left, thankfully he had MDI's in the fridge but he is terrified of needles, "I don't know what I'm gonna do guys," he ended the short there and started a second, "I'm going to have to do it, I'm 15.4, Baby!" He turned off the camera while he told TK the situation and started the camera again, "Right my fiancé is doing the injection," he had his arms around TK absolutely terrified of the injection, "Got through it but I'm going to have a horrible time till my next shipment gets out." TK had his hood up and didn't speak so Carlos's fans couldn't determine gender.

He was in his patrol car lunch in the side view when dexcom started screaming, "Hey V mind if I film a short?" "Go ahead Reyes," he set up his camera, "I'm here with my lunch having just learnt that I'm going high, now I over treat lows anyway and now I'm on injections it's getting worse. My fiancé isn't here to help me and my patrol partner is laughing her socks off next to me," its true she was, "Old needle off, new needle on safety cap off. Priming it to three, I tried 17 units this morning but that didn't work so 20," "23," V shouted off camera, "V tell anyone at the station and I will kill you, I just need you to hold my shoulder so I literally don't freak out," she was so laughing at him so hard and he didn't care he was laughing to.

After popular request and finally getting omnipods Carlos was going to do a fiancé reveal and omnipod installation. "So my omnipods are here and I have already ripped off my address, what am I saying? Am I low?" He asked picking up TK's phone and opening dexcom on there, "Nope I'm high on the dexcom, TK my people want to meet you," TK then walked on screen tossing Carlos his now fully charged PDM, "Now no more coming round the firehouse while we're on shift," "Gratefully my dear. So you guys this is my fiancé TK, how did I get so lucky to end up engaged to a paramedic," TK went to playfully knock Carlos but missed and accidentally ripped off Carlos's dexcom, "You did not?" He shot TK the evils, "You did not just knock off my dexcom," "Maybe?" TK smiled before bolting off Carlos going straight after. Carlos caught up just next to the sofa so he playfully shoved TK on the sofa, "Move and your in huge trouble," he stopped the recording and purposely didn't post it then returned, TK headed Carlos's warning and didn't move an inch and the punishment was so well done.

They kept laughing even as Carlos finally put back on an omnipod and dexcom, even put various stickers, a GPS tracking device sticker on his transmitter, skin patches in the various colours and TK coloured in his omnipod using sharpies in a rainbow pattern. It was cute and funny. TK then a few days later changed Carlos's dexcom while he was soundo after coming in from shift and it was dead and was about to start screaming. His surprise Carlos didn't wake up at all, adorable, "I love you," he whispered snuggling down next to him, he turned to wrap his arms around TK's waist.

As Carlos expected there were several disgusting comments from what he hoped were now former followers, "No you report them and be done with them!" TK ordered slamming the laptop lid closed, "It just stings a little thats all," "Fair enough," TK kissed his head taking the laptop with him, "You did the right thing honey." Vlogging was always funny, especially when TK straight up flashed Carlos into silence 

Totally didn't write this in a school assembly back in like December then forgot it existed. 

Found a Buck Diabetic AU also which just needs an ending in a stack of coursework, turns out I had written that on the back of Inspector Calls preforming arts coursework. 

Whoops! Anyways finishing the Buck story and will be up today.

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