Tarlos - Together

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Warning mentions addiction, overdose, blood and self harm.

"Team what do you say you come over later for beers and games?" Owen shouted coming down the stairs, "Yeah sure," they agreed not noticing TK tense and squirm at the situation. Later that evening TK was no where to be found when the rampaging team burst through the front door ready to get there party on. "TK you wanna come down and join us?" Owen shouted, "Yeah TK come on down!" Judd yelled but something wasn't right. "You guys wait down here," Owen walked up the stairs repeatedly calling for TK. 

Slowly he opened the door and got the shock of his life. TK was passed out on the floor blood seeping through his dark hoodie, he scanned the floor and spotted the pill bottle. "TK!" He finally shrieked, the 126 heard the yell and was about to go up there when TK shouted, "WTF Dad leave me the hell alone I am fine!" TK pushed himself up off the floor and stormed downstairs. They raced back to there original positions as TK came frantically downstairs. "TK your not fine," "Yes I am," "Where are you going!" "Out," "Not while your in this state! Your high out of your bloody mind," "I am not 14 years old," "You act like one," Paul added but got kicked in the leg by Marjan as a hint to cut it out. 

The door slammed hard behind them and Owen return to the table looking defeated. "You okay there cap?" Mateo asked, "It's TK, I'm sorry for that," "TK is family whats going on with him?" "He's been an addict since myself and his mum divorced, on and off the wagon for what 13 years now. He's been trying, really has." He looked so defeated and really killed the fun. Owen texted Carlos as those two were debating moving in together and he was on patrol tonight, 'Hey Carlos can you keep an eye/ear out for TK, I walked in on self-harming and he's high out of his mind. He walked out and we couldn't stop him,' 'Okay I'll keep a watch.' 

TK wandered the streets as the rain slammed down, the cold droplets really brought his hype down. He sat down on a nearby bench just staring off into the distance. A cop car pulled out onto the road ahead of it but TK didn't notice, "Isn't that Carlos's boyfriend?" One of the cops asked, "Yeah it is, hey Reyes your lover boy looks like a total psycho in the park," they chuckled over the radio. But moved on soon after. 

"Hey weirdo," TK heard from behind him, "Carlos I'm sorry, I'm an idiot," "Don't you know it," "Not helping," "I know. Your dad and the others are really worried as was I," "Thats a first," "Want a lift home?" TK didn't answer only climbed into the back seat. Carlos's radio beeped that his shift was over so he decided he would take TK back to his place. They made small talk and cheered TK up greatly. Owen called as TK was asleep cuddled into Carlos, "Owen he's fine, he's sleeping now. Startled that's all. I'm going to try and talk him into rehab, but only if he wants to." 

At least he was safe now.

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