TK Strand - I can't

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TK sat with his head in his hands unsure of his next move, after two years sober he relapsed. Worst of all the only people who knew were Carlos and his dad, throughout all of this he was leaning on them heavily for emotional support. He'd tried many times before but he remembered every relapse like you remember your birthday, "TK you've done it before and you can do it again," "We're here for you babe," TK looked up from his hands saying, "Here's my plan. I'm checking myself into rehab, get sober, stay sober. Can you tell the 126 for me please?" Yes the biggest problem they had to face.

TK got himself into rehab leaving Owen to deal with the fallout. "Hey cap have you seen TK as he isn't," Owen pulled TK's phone from his pocket as they weren't allowed phones at the rehab centre, "Why do you have his phone?" Marjan continued confused at the peculiar situation, "Where to begin? TK checked himself into rehab a few days ago after he relapsed," he then went into the full story beginning to end making sure to remind the 126 to pick there jaws up off the floor before they start sweeping with them. "Wow, don't know what to say? Um," Paul gasped but Judd was darting his eyes about the place clearly trying to hide his prior knowledge of this situation and failing miserably. 

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