Evan 'Buck' Buckley - Levels

978 19 6

Buck was diabetic, diagnosed aged 4. With time medical intervention improved so he didn't needed to tell anyone anymore, FD knew for protocol reasons but respected his wishes in not informing his firehouse due to him being able to handle his condition quite well. Maddie knew for obvious reasons, helping him when he was younger gave her such a passion for helping others. In recent years he started using an insulin pump and Dexcom and they were a game changer, yes it now meant he had to carry his phone and hand held pump control with him at all times but it was better then the previous kit he used. For the fun of it he coloured his pump with sharpie and used stickers. Ask for snacks? Buck always has something on him.

When Chimney started dating Maddie he noticed a box in her front room marked 'Buck' that he hardly ever saw open but on the few occasions he did he saw various kinds of snacks ranging from really sugary ones to starchy ones as well as a zip up pouch but that was never opened. Asking about it lead to the same response, "You know Buck he's a child in an adults body," oh well if it was serious Maddie would tell him. Buck wore a black medical bracelet with his name, Maddie's number and obviously type one diabetes, he wore it inside out so it just looked like a bracelet.

Buck woke in the morning, as usual the first thing he did was check his levels, okay a little low but nothing a good breakfast couldn't improve, either way his shift started at 10am so he had two hours and an hour and a half before he had to leave, the dam LA traffic. He then remembered his pump and monitor, it would need to be swapped out in the next 20 hours so there was no way he could hold out till when he got home and if he did it now it would throw off his pre-planned schedule, oh well bite the bullet. In the bottom of his work bag as well as his emergency kit he also threw in a replacement pump and glucose monitor, it was all held in a bag he's had since school. Diabetes didn't define him, not telling people made sure of that.

Pulling up to the 118 he took his jeep round back then Headed straight into the locker room, "Hey Buck!" Hen, Chimney and Eddie called, Eddie tapped his arm JUST missing the pump, good thing too that hurts on occasion, "Hi guys," he laughed nervously this was going to be fun. He somehow changed his tshirt without being noticed, thank god, who knew private conversations could be so helpful. Buck had altered by hand his uniform so there was more room in his sleeves completely hid the pump. He wasn't ashamed of it but he just wanted privacy on that sense.

Ten calls later an they all sat down finally for a late dinner, Bobby made a lasagna and as always it was balm! Bobby has a weird dinner table rule, if your phone or watch went off you would have to share what was so important to interrupt family dinner. Today Buck was really unlucky, his monitor went off indicating his levels were to high, "Come on Buck you know the rules, what is it, what is so important that it has to interrupt dinner," Bobby asked, Buck looked ashamed quickly changing the pump settings, "Buck come on, it wasn't a standard ringtone so spill," "Can you please just drop it this time, please," he knew it was futile, "Ah ha!" Eddie announced revealing the PDM that he had removed from Buck's pocket, "What is it?" "None of your business, really Eddie respect and boundaries much?" He yelled snatching the PDM before leaving, "What the hell was that?" Hen asked she wasn't asking what the device was she was asking about Eddie's actions which were a very severe breach of privacy. "Chim has Maddie told you anything?" "Nope. She has a weird box in her front room that contains food and a weird pouch but I've never seen whats inside the pouch," "We could simply ask or is that to hard, I'm going to check on him," Bobby said following him.

After not finding Buck in the bunks he decided to check the toilets just as a hunch, he heard annoyed grunting from inside a locked cubicle, "Buck you okay in there, if I don't get a response I'll knock the door down," Bobby called pounding on the door, "Bobby, please don't judge I need help," Buck opened the door, he was shirtless battling with replacing his pump but it wasn't working today, "What do you want me to do," "Can you put this in my arm I'll talk you through it," Buck presented the stuff and his opposite arm, "So what exactly are you making me do?" "You needed to know eventually, you are currently helping me put on my insulin pump," "As in?" "I'm diabetic Bobby, type one, diagnosed aged 4. It was my glucose monitor that went off at the table telling me my levels were to high, I use the pump, glucose monitor and PDM," "It's nothing to be ashamed about," "I'm not though I don't want my defining trait to be being a diabetic. Makes sense now?" "Yep. So that kit Maddie has?" "Snacks, insulin and a levels checker, stuff leftover from her time as a nurse I Collapsed round hers once hence all the fuss," "Well Buck if you need a minute to sort yourself out just go, do not kill your self please," "Maddie's got you on that one. I'm already wearing an alert bracelet just thought I'd tell you that though," "Thanks son," "Your welcome dad," Buck joked it felt nice though.

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