Typical Evan

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TK's teen years were rough that was known to everyone a permanent result is his son now 13 year old Evan Owen Strand, TK credits Evan the reason he's still around getting, pregnant at 16 forced TK to get clean and stay clean for his son. Carlos came into Evan's life when he was 9, he was friendly but didn't want his dad to get hurt again, the two really bonded when TK was in the hospital for the gun shot wound. Evan saw how much Carlos loved his dad he wasn't stupid, but when he broke down saying he was scared of never seeing his dad again Carlos without hesitation hugged Evan like he was his own. He was there best man at their wedding the year before and now he's sat with his grandad in a hospital waiting with Andrea and Gabriel also, it was good news this time. TK had gone into labour some time before, it was a matter of hours before the baby's born, if it was a boy they were going to call him Alexander Gabriel Reyes and if it was a girl then she would be Georgina Spencer Reyes. "Who's going to meet her first?" TK smiled holding the tiny baby in his arms, "Only fair if it's Evan he is her big brother, I'll go get him," Carlos smiled kissing the top of Georgina's head then TK. Carlos walked with a spring in his step, "Evan," Carlos called, "Oh god is dad okay how's the baby," "They're both okay we figured that it's only fair for Evan to meet them first," Carlos put a hand on his shoulder leading him to TK's room. "Dad?" Evan smiled slowly walking in, "Come on don't be shy come meet your sister," TK laughed pulling the blanket down a little bit. Evan felt his heart melt as he saw Georgina for the first time, "Dad she's beautiful," he smiled sitting next to TK, Carlos took up the other side giving a nurse his phone for a family picture, "Can I hold her?" "She's your sister," Carlos laughed, TK passed the bundle over to Evan who cradled her softly, "I will always look after you little sis that is a promise," Carlos snapped a picture of the two of them sending it immediately to Owen, "Carlos second trip grandparents now," TK laughed, "Carlos is its alright if I call you papa?" Evan asked, "You didn't even need to ask Evan, I've thought of you as my son since the day I met you."

Andrea, Gabriel and Owen filed in Carlos behind them, "Evan I think they want to meet there granddaughter," Andrea swooped down very happily to coddle the newborn, Georgina immediately started wailing wanting to be back with her dad, "Sorry guys," she calmed down being skin to skin with TK, all though a little unexpected she latched on and began suckling on the milk, TK made a slight face but barely noticeable. He had forgotten that his body could also breastfeed.

As time passed it was clear that Evan and Gee had an unbreakable bond, 12/13 years between them didn't matter. TK loved the picture of Evan holding 2 day old Gee in his lap as they read a picture book, he captioned it according to the forgotten trend, 'Watching the son I had at 16 hold the daughter I had at 29,' the alarm went off, TK went to silence it but knew or sure Gee was hungry from a mile off. Thats one thing he never lost. Carlos's new favourite thing was when the family of four would sit on the sofa after dinner and put a film on, either he or TK holding Gee, Evan between them it was the small things that made it worth it. Then the one evening when Carlos smiled at TK before pulling a present out from behind him, "Evan this is for you," scrawled across the onto the front is a note signed by Georgie, "Will you be my legal brother?" He pulled the paper away revealing adoption papers just needing his signature, "Papa you want to legally adopt me? Yes I've always wanted you too."

Some years have passed now Georgie's two Evan's fifteen and in his second year of high school like his dad he took to sports and a shining to basketball specifically. He preferred not to talk about his family at school especially as he's jewish in a predominantly Catholic city as well as the child of gay parents, he does however continuously wore the bracelet he made with Georgie, Owen, Judd and his son Wyatt. They were all at the 126 Georgie with Evan sat round the table all learning from Judd how to make rope bracelets in a multitude of styles and colours, they made ParaCord bracelets initially but they made a multicoloured woven cords each colour with significance: the red represents FD and paramedics, blue PD, green for his dad, burgundy for his papa and purple for Gee.

The four of them decided to go to the autumn festival in town, parents wanted to look at the boring picture frame so Evan took Gee's rucksack then Gee herself to see the horses, "Up?" Gee asked which Evan complied lifting her up to talk a little closer. He lifted her up onto the fence keeping her close as they fed and petted the horses, "Hey Evan!" Someone shouted, "Oh Micheal, Joe, Eddie what are you all doing here?" He asked still holding Gee, "We decided to try the tomahawks they were doing here wanna join," "Evan whats a tomahawk," "Not till your older Gee, I'll have to find my dads I can't take you with me as much as I want to," he cheered making her giggle, "Oh guys this is my sister Georgina," "We haven't actually met your folks. Your place later, sleepover?" "Yeah. Again I'll have to ask," Evan jogged to find TK and Carlos, "Hey dad papa my friends are here can I leave Gee with you?" "Yeah sure come here squirt," Carlos lifted Gee off of Evan's shoulders to carry her himself, "Also can they come over tonight for a sleepover," "How many?" TK asked, "Three Micheal, Joe and Eddie," "Oh Micheal as in Micheal Samson? I work with his aunt I think," Carlos smiled, "Yep," "Okay see you later."

The parents left the kids to it, hearing glass smashing and Gee coming downstairs her jumper damp with vodka. They got her cleaned up then went to parent the 15 year old, the teens were very giggly,"Alright we know your drinking, two rules in the house and your parents have to be okay with it," "Evan please be careful addiction runs in the family." Next morning they had a hungover teenager on their hands. All will be solved with a morning walk. Typical Evan.

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