Carlos Reyes - She's gone

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Requested by Hardywoman99 'can you make one where Owen daughter Avery gets kidnapped from these bad people and TK finds her alive and a couple of bruises on her and she's 13 years old' I am going to make her a little older though at 16. It's not quite the request as I kinda ran with it but it's still what was asked.

Edit changed the name too and I don't even want to go into it.

Maggie has always been one for trouble so to speak. She was in the foster system till Owen and Gwen adopted her back in New York, ask her how her time in the system went and she would vividly describe what was referred as 'The Hell Years'. The Hell Years took place when Maggie was 6 to 14, too many kids too few foster families the system was overwhelmed and many kids used this time to rebel for more say in there lives like where they lived, who they lived with, there futures after they aged out. Maggie was one of the 'Runaways' a group of foster kids at it's peak had almost the whole system on it's side, they caused the most trouble for the states and the systems. 

After Gwen and Owen decided to adopted before the downfall of there marriage they opted for one of the older kids as they already had TK. Gwen fell head over heels for Maggie but she dam didn't make it easy opting to instead grow closer to her dad and brother therefore moving to Austin with them. 

The 126 knew of Maggie from almost day one as she was frequently being sent home/suspended. One evening after sneaking out again Avery burst through the door with the 126 over looking high out of her mind. "TK your sister's back," Judd called out with a joking tone, "Hold up Judd she's stinks of booes and drugs. She's lucky I'm not on duty," Carlos added before going to find Owen. TK was understandably annoyed at his sister coming home late and well high, "Where have you been?" "Out," she snapped going into the kitchen for a glass of water, "Maggie Strand you are in big trouble young lady," "Go ahead do what everyone does ground me. You should know by now that I won't listen, I never do. I didn't want to leave New York but I couldn't stay with that condescending witch of a so called mom. The only reason that I haven't gone crazy is because we're here in Austin to. Do you know what they'd be happy if I was with them!" She stormed upstairs to her room and packed a small bag. The 126 looked on patiently knowing full well last time they got involved she broke Judd's nose.

Maggie yet again stormed down the stairs, "Maggie what the hell is this all about?" Maggie ignored TK and went to put her shoes on, "Don't you go out of that front door young lady!" He yelled attracting the attention of the others, "Maggs listen to your dad now," Grace added trying to move closer to her, "Now take a breath chill out, I was the same way as a child but it doesn't mean you also don't have to get into trouble, what's going on?" "What's going is the next time you try and use the oldest trick in the book I must just record it and skip to the unfamiliar parts!" She yelled throwing them the finger as she ran out of the door. 

Not even seconds later a car screeched up beside the house and they heard intense yelling outside, "What the hell are you doing, leave me alone," TK and Carlos were the first outside just in time to see Maggie being shoved into a dark van. "Dispatch this is 363 H20 child abduction in process, two suspects male mid to late 30's in a dark grey Toyota van partial Louisiana license plate Red 5, 8, 7, we are not in pursuit I repeat we are not in pursuit," Owen came out just in time to hear Carlos's radio beep in response. 

"I hate to say this but as soon as they see Runaway on her file they'll give up looking for her," Carlos started knowing full well she was a Runaway. He expected TK or Owen to know what he was talking about but they were puzzled, "She didn't tell you? You don't know? The Runaways were a street organisation or gang based in New York but they were spread across the country. The foster system became overwhelmed too many kids to few parents, they were giving out licenses willy nilly out of desperation to anyone and everyone who asked for them, the kids found out and they didn't like it. They started rebelling wanting more say in where they were placed and there life when they aged out of the system. At it's height which was actually the whole way through all the countries foster kids were members. I read Maggie's file, she was level one, grade 5, 6-14. Level one was the top of the group the leaders, grade 5 well 1 is tell them not to move in an open space and they wouldn't. Five, well lock the doors bolt the windows and prepare for hell hence the name," "You know quite a bit about this?" "I was part of the original group I was 16 went on till I aged out of the system. I was level two grade 4, I was a pain in the ass," if only he had told Maggie maybe she would have settled in more, "I know who took her. I'm sorry to say this but these people believe in blind obedience, they hated our rebellion we each have scars of our own." Carlos showed them the scars from the restraints they used on them, they were pulled so tight it left permanent scars on all it's victims.

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