You bit ME!

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Cheesy I know but it's what I felt like writing.

TK knew Carlos was the guy for him. That was obvious. They both respected each others kinks and weird moments. The 5'8 TK was tiny compared to the 6'2 Carlos so walking through those dark roads hanging on to him made him feel safer. TK decided to play a game on Carlos, he had seen a Tik Tok trend of you going to meet your partner in a towel then dropping the towel. He wasn't stupid and he wasn't going to film it but he was going to try it on Carlos. He heard Carlos coming in from work, he tied the towel around his waist before heading downstairs, "Hi baby," "Hey why are you in a towel?" "I was going to go for a shower then I thought wether," TK let go of the towel letting it slide down to the floor, "You would like to join me," Carlos was visibly sweating and twitching, he pulled his shoes off before launching himself at TK. Carlos snatched the towel and scooped TK up bridal style.

"You naughty boy Tiger I might just have to punish you for that little stunt," shower on Carlos hungrily launched himself at TK craving the taste of him. The hot water hit there skin and they just let there built up desire go, Carlos especially, he kissed every inch of open flesh across TK's neck and collar bones till he found his sweet spot then attacked it with great force, "Ow Carlos, Carlos," TK called tapping the side of Carlos's head to gain his attention, "What?" He finally mumbled letting go, "That hurt oh my god Carlos you full on bit me!" TK shouted letting the water rinse the blood away, "I'm so sorry," "It's okay I'm not mad it was an accident. Maybe ease off of the hickey's for a while," TK laughed. He climbed out of the shower dried himself off then went to inspect the bite mark, yep that definitely will need a bandage, "I'm so sorry," Carlos whimpered pressing his head against TK's back, "Carlos don't you dare apologise it was an accident I am not mad. Now I know you your only rough when either I've asked or you've had a rough day," "Bank robbery went wrong a family was shot, they made it but if," "No don't blame yourself. I know you did the best you could, cuddles?" "Yeah I need some."

Carlos fully attached himself to TK, arms around his stomach and completely buried his face into the other mans chest being careful not to bite. This was a good life.

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