Tarlos - Date Night Discovery 1/3

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This might be my last update for a while with us returning from half term tomorrow (7th of June) as we are starting year 9 early. I don't know why we are but we are. As always requests are welcome though I can not promise I will always use them.

Key: A=adopted age

CA=current age

Isabella (Issy, Alwyn) Alwyn Strand (A:11, CA:13)

Juan Phillip Strand (A:6 CA:8)

Emmeline (Emmy) Cover Strand (A:3 CA:5)

"This is our 1st anniversary of being a couple," TK chuckled clinking there glasses, "Glad of it, you gonna get that?" Carlos gestured to TK's phone going off in his pocket, "Probably spam but it couldn't hurt to check," his face went blank as he read Issy on the screen. "I need to get this, Alwyn you okay?" Carlos didn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone but TK became increasingly worried by his face, "Is dad there? Okay on my way, sorry got to cut this shot I gotta go home," "I'll drop you home," "It's fine," "TK I picked you up remember it's no hassle."

The drive home was mostly silent till TK spoke up, "Carlos I didn't want to tell you for there sake but two years ago while I was still with Alex we looked it fostering. At one of the fairs the state put on we met Isabella who we call Alwyn we looked further into things, we met her little brother and sister Juan and Emmeline. A year later we signed the paperwork and they were legally our kids, all that time Alex was abusive you know the rest. When dad got the job offer to the 126 it was our chance to break out so the four of us came with dad. Isabella prefers Issy or Alwyn she has bipolar though it's never obvious it has it's good days and it's bad, then there's Juan little looney and always full of energy he loves basketball, Emmeline Emmy as we call her, she is a wild one. The reason I didn't tell you about them was because even months after leaving him they're still scared of Alex," "God don't blame you, I want you to understand this I never ever as much as raise a hand to you or your kids," Carlos brushed the back of TK's hand, "God I forgot to say why we're here. Issy called saying that there was a creep knocking on the neighbours doors and they were getting closer and creepier. There he is." TK pointed out a man dressed in black approaching the neighbour across the road's house, the two men got out towards TK's place.

Carlos stood back letting TK deal with the madness inside the four walls. TK tended to Juan playing hoops in the house, something that Issy had told him to stop. "Juan how many times do I and Alwyn have to tell you to not play basketball inside, where's Emmy?" TK said strongly but with a very caring tone, "She's asleep," Alwyn jumped in before Juan could apologise, "Sorry Dad," "It's alright go lay the table I'll order pizza," just then the smoke alarm went off and as he was closest Carlos grabbed the oven cloth and pulled out the ever so slightly burned cheese and bacon turnovers and the crispy chips. "Hey your Carlos right? Dad talks about you, treat him right but take it from he he's slowly healing with you," "Thank you," "Dad no need for pizza I made enough for all of us, might not be fine dining but it's grub," Issy shouted through to TK as Juan laid two more places.

With great reluctance Carlos joined them for dinner, "Juan, me gusta este le pidió a papá que se lo quedara," "No, hazlo tú," "Él te escuchará," "Está bien."

⭕️"Juan, I like this one asked dad to keep him," "No you do it," "He'll listen to you," "Fine."⭕️

"What are you two talking about," TK knew as he could speak Spanish but it was rude especially with guests, "Dad can we keep him?" Juan asked causing Carlos to choke on his drink, "Umm give it time Juan don't look so innocent Alwyn I know you put him up to it," "Dad, es tan claro como el día ustedes dos se gustan," "English we have guest here so we speak in English," "Fine, it's clear as day you two like each other," Carlos was definitely starting to get uncomfortable, "How old are you?" "Juan! deja de tirar bolas de saliva a Carlos o debo dejar las ventanas abiertas para que la llorona te atrape?!"

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