Tarlos - Craving

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Smutt ⚠️

Carlos texted towards the end of his shift he was incredibly horny for reasons of he thought of TK naked waiting for him. As he pictured TK was waiting by the front door excitedly waiting for his husband. "Why hello husband," TK smiled undoing his robe then letting Carlos move it off of his shoulders to reveal his body, "Hello baby," Carlos slid his hands around TK's waist pulling him close enough to feel his hard. He scooped up TK to carry him to their bedroom he wasn't cruel he placed TK down to start stripping himself down, Carlos put his gun in the bedside table bullets in the bottom draw firing mechanism in the top. TK scrambled forward pulling his belt out and pull off Carlos's bottoms while he stripped off his top then pushing TK back, sometimes they took it slow but tonight it was cravings taking over. TK raised his legs so Carlos could have full access to him, they both watched Carlos condom and lube up his fingers and dick. Carlos slipped two fingers in trying and failing to open TK up, he stopped when TK flinched in pain but didn't say anything, "TK honey are you alright?" "Keep going please I want this," Carlos kept trying to stretch TK out to get in but he knew his husband he was in pain and was going through with it out of guilt. He stopped pulling out then wiped his fingers and TK with the towel they bring to bed, he pulled the condom off and thats when TK noticed, "We don't have to stop," "Your in pain and not the usual pleasure pain so we're not doing that," "I'm sorry I tried but I couldn't get it up," TK laughed falling back on the pillow, Carlos laid next to him, "Doesn't mean we can't do other things," Carlos giggled like a teenager in response TK smiled kissing Carlos with heart and passion. He moved from kissing Carlos to showering his god like body till he got to mini Carlos and took it in with minimal effort, Carlos intertwined his fingers through TK's hair holding him over his dick. TK kept going blowing Carlos till Carlos cummed in TK's mouth almost choking on the vastness of stuff, "Do you want some water?" Carlos asked to which TK nodded and was quickly handed some which he chugged to swallow, "Thanks baby," "Any time TK. You know everything," "We enjoy our sexual curiosities together and I love that and I love you."

During the night Carlos rolled over to pull TK closer, TK in turn rolled to snuggle his face into Carlos's chest, he then wrapped his arms around the smaller man's waist. He was craving as much physical contact as he could get.

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