
1.9K 16 0

Trigger warning!! Attempted suicide, please read with discretion


Infuriated me. He didn't know a thing about me yet he still had to pick a fight with me. He didn't know the years of pain and suffering thrusted upon me, I don't blame JIST in the slightest but it still hurt. JIST is kinda like Star Fleet well we are Star Fleet only it stands for Junior International Space Teams and we operate in teams of 30 with often multiple teams working on the same ship. We do anything and everything from fighting wars to natural disaster relief. Recommend it to anyone who gets selected. The basic run down is that our ranks work differently, Captain commands a team, battalion chief over sees multiple teams often up to 5 and Commander is actually who you would call captain of the ship. I had worked my way up from an lonely ensign to Commander of USS Temeraire. That's my current station my old post USS Kelly didn't end well. The ship and over 2000 souls were lost when we came under Romulan fire, those that did survive later died in the concentration camp. My heart died with USS Kelly and it's crew, I'm the last one left alive. I fought like hell to come home and here they are defacing my, our hard work. The pendant I now where instead of the 252 it's a crystal piece, a chip of Crystal from the one we spent months under the heat, pain, torture to extract it for the Romulans. It taught us to carry each other and to work together, someone will always have your back, it represents hard work, dedication, pain, suffering and how easy things can be ripped from you. It sickening how they can brush that aside in favour of hate.

Once I got out the nightmares started, the waking nightmares soon followed. I turned to drugs to deal with it and now that I am no longer numb to the pain I am feeling every ounce of it in gales and storms.

I endured another evening taunting from Judd, why couldn't I stand up to him. Dam it I've stood up against the Borg and I was never nearly as terrified as I am now. "TK you alright?" Paul asked noticing how out of it I must have looked, "He needs to go tell daddy about how I'm hurting his feelings," "I'm fine Strickland," I sent more alarms ringing for sure with that comment. I just needed to sleep it off. I hope.

Something about dreams they are always so vivid almost real till they aren't. Today was no different. I was on the bridge of USS Kelly laughing and talking as we always did while cruising the neutral zone. The sound of the first torpedo strike was gut wrenching, "Red alert, shields up all hands battle stations. Lock on target prepare to turn fire, Halo hail the ship," "Aye Commander," "This is Commander Tyler-Kennedy Strand of the USS Kelly state your reasons for this unprovoked attack in Federation space?" "No response sir," "There preparing to fire again!" "Deploy drones, full array of phasers and evasive manoeuvres. Halo contact nearby Federation vessels that we require immediate assistance," we bounced around exchanging fire till we came to close to the neutral planet DM-4 and we got rammed into the planet's atmosphere. The ear piercing shrieks around me as where were killed in the destruction of the ship. I had to admit I began to yell myself. "No, no, no not again, leave us alone, no no," my yells awoke the rest of the firehouse who begrudgingly threw pillows at me. Last minute dot com I was beamed onto a Romulan ship where I was forced to watch in agony my own people die before me, massacred by our mortal enemy. "Leave them own, they have done nothing wrong please leave my family alone," I continued to yell till dad finally came racing in.

"TK, TK, TK wake up," I bolted up in a cold sweat almost punching my dad I was so startled, "Your okay son, your okay," he said allowing me to bury into him a little. "Dad I'm fine, dad. Sorry guys for waking you up I'm gonna go sleep on the sofa," I pushed myself up and carried my duvet downstairs to sleep on the sofa and not to disturb anyone else with my nightmares. I was bitten with two more nightmares that I didn't wake from, you see when the nightmares get really bad I sleep walk. I must of scared the shit out of the others trying to break down the bunk room door which in my head I was trying to get to my friends who were being 'slaughtered' in another room. "TK go to therapy," Owen barked from the kitchen, "No," "Why?" "Because I already have, we did two sessions then they found out the cause and cussed me out," "That's not right, sorry not here," Marjan defended ducking out of there, "Marjan you don't know what goes through my head. I feel numb aside from the pain, who you see is a shell of who I was. TK Strand died with the USS Kelly and..." "What," "TK no," "Never mind," "Who?" "My twin Avery she died on Kelly."

I couldn't take it anymore I wanted to be with them and so I will tonight. I dropped by Carlos's place and the two of us had one last harah before moving on. I forgot how fast the narcotics take a hold, I had written my suicide note and that was that. My vision started tunnelling and I didn't fight to stay awake. Memories flashed before my eyes, happy ones with Kelly.

Mrs Hudson's POV

I live next door to the new captain of the 126 and his son, there was something off about the son. I despised being nosy but I just had to know why the son skulked around so much, more importantly I had to find out his name. I was in my back bedroom when out of the corner of my eye I noticed the son. I knew it was him as it was the same mesmerising green eyes he appeared to be swallowing something though what I could not see from this distance. What I did see however was him collapsing on the floor, I frantically dialled 9-1-1.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The woman asked on the other end, "Hi I think my neighbours son is od-ing he's at 1234 Iron Mountain DR, I don't know his name but I'm Angela Hudson," "Okay Angela I'm Grace can you tell if he is breathing or not?" "No as well I was hoovering when I happened to notice him swallowing something and fall to the floor," "Okay help is on the way."

Owen's POV

Something was off about TK I just knew it, call it dad's instinct if you will. *EMS 126, engine 126 overdose at 1234 Iron Mountain DR* I froze, overdose? TK. I pushed everyone double time to get at our front door in less than 2 minutes, I knew exactly where to go. My heart stopped when I saw TK on the floor pills in his hand, "You promised!" I yelled starting CPR. Michelle and her paramedics were up here in a heart beat to take over but I refused, "Pushing narcan," Michelle said jamming the stick into TK's leg. He frantically spat out a few of the pills before vomiting up the rest, "TK you promised me," I growled at him.


My eyes suddenly burst open as I threw up the pills I had just swallowed, "TK you promised me," dad growled alerting me to there presence, "Why didn't you let me die!" I yelled pushing myself away from them, "TK we can't," "Wouldn't be to hard just be stopping my heart as after all TK died with Kelly," "Tyler I couldn't look the other way as tried to kill yourself again," "Again? This has happened before?" Marjan asked just as my vision started to clear, "Not now Marjan," I barked, "Yes now TK you've been keeping secrets," Paul announced clearly annoyed at me, "Guys," Mateo spoke up. He had found my note, "Read it allowed," he continued passing it to Marjan,

"Dear Dad,

You'll probably wanna know why I committed suicide so here it goes. I am tried of constantly being belittled and undermined, I am tried of believing I have to have a reason to feel emotions. Well congrats you got your wish, I feel numb all the time now. I wanted to stay in New York where I had a support system for not only my grief but my addiction, it was you who cut me from it therefore leaving me to suffer alone. You of all people should know how I feel, the guilt I feel of being the only survivor and there captain. The people I loved died when USS Kelly went down and I was in command and survived. I thought I could bury the emotions like you did but listening to Judd's constant tormenting made it harder and harder. You got me to the cliff edge it was Judd and my 'new family' that pushed me off. My heart died with USS Kelly and it's crew, I'm the last one left alive. I fought like hell to come home and here they are defacing my, our hard work. The pendant I now where instead of the 252 it's a crystal piece, a chip of Crystal from the one we spent months under the heat, pain, torture to extract it for the Romulans. It taught us to carry each other and to work together, someone will always have your back, it represents hard work, dedication, pain, suffering and how easy things can be ripped from you. It sickening how they can brush that aside in favour of hate and petty meanness. So I sign this letter in hope of you knowing that the 252 and USS Kelly are my family not you or the 126 not anymore at least. My death is on your conscious,



I stared off into space knowing this was not gonna be easy, "TK.." "Save it, save it for someone who will actually care to listen," I snapped grabbing a hoodie and pushing past them. I was just gonna have to try another way...

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