You Don't Have To Explain

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Trigger warning ⚠️: graphic miscarriage, failed attempted abortion, surgery, mentioned/implied rape, HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!

TK knew what he was getting into when he started being with Carlos. He's been in Austin for 3 months and pregnant with Alex's baby. When he found out he didn't want to tell Carlos as Carlos would try and go knight in shining armour but the baby was the result of Alex taking advantage of TK being drunk. He had an abortion scheduled but, other things got in the way. He were at the firehouse trying not to vomit at the smell of chilli, his plan started unexpectedly working, Mateo noticed the blood on his seat when he stood up, "Yo TK just sat on ketchup," Mateo teased, TK wet wiped the seat clean before going upstairs. Sat in the shower fully clothed the water kept rinsing away the blood, pounding on the Owen was worried about his son having locked himself in the bathroom, "TK can you open the door please?" Owen asked, "Dad I'm bleeding," "I'm getting Tommy," Owen announced. He dashed down the stairs discreetly whispering to Tommy who grabbed a medical bag without being noticed by the 126, "Hey bud how are you doing?" Tommy asked feeling TK's forehead, "Can you tell me what's going on?" "I think I'm miscarrying," "The blood would give that away honey, I've finished shift I'll take him home and stay with him for a while," "Thank you Tommy," TK smiled weakly.

Tommy helped him get up to the bathroom, she sat on one side of the bath while TK sat in the bath talking the whole time. He was becoming more and more lethargic and out of it, "TK?" Tommy asked after he had stopped calling, "TK? TK!" She exclaimed pulling him out of the bath, "TK honey I'm calling 9-1-1," she put him in the recovery position and kept an eye on his blood pressure and heart rate. Paramedics arrived shortly thereafter and Tommy saw them to secrecy as they helped him, Owen met them at the hospital. Doctors and nurses spent ages before letting Owen know what was going on, "Family of Tyler Kennedy Strand?" "I'm his dad," "You?" "Friend I brought him in," "It appears Tyler used something to try and pierce the embryonic sack to bring on a miscarriage, we had to perform an emergency D and C and thankfully he didn't pierce the uterus," "I don't know why he would do that he was scheduled for an abortion anyway next week," "It wouldn't have gone ahead TK was 19 weeks," "He told me he was 14," "Exactly I believe Tyler was desperate so I will not report it. I've prescribed pain relief no opioid I read file and you should be able to take him home tomorrow morning." Owen nodded sitting back down, "Do you want to see your son?" "Thanks Tommy I'll see you later," "Bye Owen good luck."

TK awoke with his dad at his side, he was in copious amounts of pain due to the chosen lack of opioids and was glad for the moral support, "I know TK, I know what you did and how far along you really were, you could have been honest with me. It could have killed you, lets not dwell on the past and your alive, healthy with no damage to anything. You can come home when your ready," he smiled pushing the hair away from his eyes, "Don't tell Carlos or the 126 please," "Okay kid."

Owen got TK straight into bed with streaming services, water, paracetamol and a hot water bottle. They said typical recovery from the D and C would be about a week but the mental toll will be the most daunting. Day two TK was still tired and in pain but could at least stay awake with the assistance of a good hot water bottle and pain relief. The 126 and Carlos came around to both play some games with Owen as host and some answers regarding TK, "Is he okay by the way?" "I'll go see if he wants to come downstairs," Owen sighed going up to TK's room. God it was like he was getting teenaged TK out of his room because family had come round. "Hey TK," "Hi," he groaned turning to face the door, "The 126 and Carlos are downstairs want to come down and see them?" TK nodded starting to try and get out of bed alone but stumbled, "Hey not alone," Owen ordered, "Sorry dad."

Each step was a challenge, "Hey TK!" They exclaimed, Carlos got up to help as well but in the end became a willing body pillow for TK. It was just like any other games night for a little while till Paul decided to be the one to bite the bullet, "TK are you okay, what is going on?" He didn't mean to sound so demanding but they were all thinking it, "I had emergency surgery two days ago, I had a planned abortion for next week but I miscarried. Retained pieces, Tommy rushed me to A&E where I had the emergency surgery," "Oh," jaws on the floor, "TK was, was it-," TK didn't let him finish, "I found out before I met you Carlos definitely not yours," relief. He stayed awake talking to the others for a little while then fell silent from pain, "You good there TK?" Nancy asked, "Yeah can't have actually effective pain relief so I'm grinning and bearing it," "Don't let us keep you if your not very well," Paul smiled softly, "No it's fine I enjoy the company," "Hey," Owen scolded, coming back into the room.

He did find it hard to stay awake though, really hard. He eventually fell asleep in Carlos's arms curled towards his body heat. "TK you've gone quiet," Marjan announced, "He's asleep," "Sorry," "I'm going to take him back upstairs, it's not fair," Owen suggested. To save Owen struggling with a sleeping TK Carlos carried him back upstairs, "No don't go," TK whispered, "I don't want to hurt you," "You won't," Carlos kissed TK's forehead and slipped into the bed next to him. He was curled into Carlos's body heat, sleeping like he had literally been knocked out. He texted the 126 chat saying he's staying with TK, he combed his fingers through TK's hair and held him close, at first he scrolled YouTube shorts then fell asleep side by side with TK. Owen peered in at the two boys, he snapped a photo to show the others.

TK told Carlos to go home in the morning as it wasn't a pretty sight him trying and failing to take care of himself and needing his dad to help. The embarrassment was clearly flushing his cheeks, "Your embarrassed aren't you?" "You really are good at reading people. I tried pills back in New York especially after I got dumped, I tried using a coat hanger because I knew no doctor would give an abortion, that's in the bin now. Didn't mean to start spotting at the firehouse and certainly not Mateo seeing it," "He's lovely but a blabber mouth," Carlos chuckled to break the tension slightly, "My captain helped me through the miscarriage, now my dad has been helping me do basic tasks because I can't," TK softly laughed barely sitting up, "Why did you do it though?" Carlos asked, "My ex wasn't the best person, I came home drunk need I say anymore," Carlos immediately offered a hug which TK gratefully accepted.

Carlos sat with his back to the bathroom door talking to TK while he sat in the shower. It was a chat about nothing in particular, recipes to try, men they found hot. "Thanks Carlos," TK smiled, "What for?" He asked definitely confused, "For staying, I gave you every opportunity to scarper but you didn't," "Because TK Strand," he smirked taking TK's hands, "Something is drawing me to you, I can't explain it to you," "You don't have to I understand."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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