Tarlos - Wedding 2/2

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Sequel to Tarlos - Proposal 

TK and Carlos had been engaged for about 6 months now. Both of them only wanted a small wedding, immediate family and close friends. They choose his old church, small only 50 seats tops for the ceremony and a bar/events hall for the reception with a beautiful garden for the photos. The guest list was Andrea and Gabriel, Owen (Gwen couldn't fly down from New York), the 126, a few friends of Carlos's as well as his two little sisters who were to be the flower girls and ring bearers. Reception would expand out a little to include aunts and uncles as well as other friends.

TK and Carlos entered the church from side doors and took hands at the alter. They made the officiants job easier by writing there own vows and they made sure to crack jokes about it, "Gents vows please Carlos you go first," "Okay here goes nothing. TK when you came into my life I didn't know it then but you would be the best thing that would ever happen to me. I count myself lucky that I was assigned to that call with you, I half credit Grace for that stroke of luck. I would be proud and lucky everyday to wake up with you at my side," he slid the silver ring on TK's finger, "TK," "Way to set the bar there babe. When I moved to Austin I was broken and part of me was missing. I was a dick to you at first treating you like something that was replaceable. There isn't a day that I don't regret that. Everyday I spent with you you mended and filled my broken heart, I can not wait to see what life throws at us next," he slid the ring on Carlos's finger before holding it in his hand, "I now pronounce husband and husband!" The participants threw confetti at the newly weds.

They were trashed by 5pm, all apart from TK and Carlos, TK for obvious reasons and Carlos because he wanted to have sex on his wedding night. 

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