For Now I Must Fall

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Requested by sjjjsam2000 'Eddie kills himself and Christopher finds him' really sad I know but honestly it reflects how I'm feeling right now.

Trigger ⚠️ warning: suicide, overdose.

Despite all the joys in his life the guilt was still there, no matter how hard he tried to lift his head up and move on it wasn't like that. No one knew what he had seen for there was no one else left, Christopher is better off with someone who isn't a train wreck. Eddie sat in the base of his shower reaching for the bottle of pain killers on the kitchen sink, he also grabbed his phone writing 'Christopher I might not have been the best dad in the world but know I loved you with every ounce of my being, Buck I know you'll blame yourself but this isn't your fault it's mine promise me that you will look after my son in my absence. Chris I am not going to see you graduate high school or college I won't even see you get married but I will always be by your side,' he hit send then swallowed half a bottle of pills enough to overdose and more. His vision tunnelled and he saw her, Shannon, instead of welcoming him she whispered something to him.

Buck hadn't checked his phone only opened the front door letting Christopher run inside shouting, "Dad!" Over and over again, "Eddie where are you?!" Buck joined in the man hunt till he heard Christopher's strangled cries, "Buck!" "Christopher," he burst into the bathroom seeing Eddie slumped against the wall, his eyes were rolled into the back of his head, "Christopher wait in the front room," Buck ordered frantically searching for a pulse, he did CPR for a couple minutes while on the phone with 9-1-1 then put Eddie in he recovery position. Firefighters burst in taking over from Buck, he immediately went to comfort Christopher, "Is daddy gonna die?" "No no, he's gonna be fine. He's going to be alright," Buck was trying with all his might to keep it together for Chris but rigger mortis had already set in. Eddie had succeeded in his task.

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