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Warning: Mild smutt

After a rough shift Carlos wanted nothing more than to melt into TK's arms and maybe get a little funky. TK wasn't working that day so he spent the day running errands, "Hey baby," TK shouted down from their bedroom, "Hey Tiger," Carlos called out running up the stairs to meet him, "If that catches on I will end you," "That a threat?" Carlos smirked, "Yes it is officer Reyes." He was done for it now.

Carlos wrapped his arm around TK's waist pulling him just close enough to press there lips together. Things became heated quickly with TK's hoodie being the first to go, "Tyler," he paused pulling his handcuffs out from his belt, "Kennedy," he couldn't finish in one go as TK sucked the side of his neck, "Strand your under arrest for being so hot." The two fell backwards onto there bed as TK intertwined his hand with Carlos's. Unknowingly he locked the other handcuff. Carlos pushed himself off TK with a start, "TK you've just locked us both in the handcuffs," he gave him his famous 'yeah so' look, "TK I don't have the keys there in my belt," "Which you left downstairs."

They both stared wide eyed at each other for a few minutes knowing that they would never live this down if anyone found out. "When does Grace get off her shift?" "I don't know what are you thinking?" Carlos picked up his phone and dialled 9-1-1, "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" "This is Officer Carlos Reyes can you put me through to dispatcher Grace Ryder please it's urgent," "Hello you asked for me?" TK was laughing into the pillow to stay quiet, "Grace we need help. We accidentally handcuffed each other to the bed frame," "Who's we Reyes?" "Myself and TK." They heard Grace holding back a laugh. "So you want me to get your keys?" "Yes thank god. TK I swear to god stop doing that," Carlos snapped barely keeping his composure at TK running his fingers up the inside of his thighs. "No no this is too good I'm sending the 126, and asking Judd for lots of pictures no buts. This is revenge for putting chilli's in the hotdogs," Grace hung up before Tk and Carlos could protest. They were in deep water now. 

"126 this is dispatch engine assistance needed at 540 Lynwood Avenue (finally found there real address!!)," "Dispatch TK and Carlos live there?" Owen asked questioning Grace, the 126 was greatly curious at why TK's place, "The two idiots handcuffed themselves to the bed post leaving the keys downstairs, so take lots of photos." Marjan and Paul were cracking up instantly knowing they had to do this. 

"Austin FD!" Owen shouted from downstairs telling Marjan, Mateo, Paul, Nancy and Michelle to be quiet. "My my what a sight to be hold, hang on," "Shut up!" TK shouted throwing a pillow at the giggling 5 year olds in turnouts. Judd was cracking up taking many many photos for Grace later as requested. "Are you just gonna stand there laughing or actually help..." Carlos tried to say but was stopped by TK lightly stroking his in legs, "TK I swear to god stop!" He snapped just as Paul finally handed them the keys. Carlos sat up reaching for his jumper but was stopped by Michelle cat calling him, "Carlos you might wanna," he turned a crimson red doing up his trousers and throwing some clothes at TK.

The next couple of shifts were gruesome them constantly making fun of TK, news spread fast and even PD knew so Carlos was also getting a grilling. "Reyes if you don't mind me asking," oh no here we go again he thought, "How did you get yourself and your boyfriend stuck in handcuffs?" "It's easier than you think." Yeah he was never going to live this down. Neither of them will.

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