We're A Family: Fighting For America

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I heard this song ironically in English (this is in the UK), it was an advert before a Macbeth sample and I thought back to Tarlos: We're A Family, All Four of Us. It just clicked and matched so you needed to hear what's going through my head rn.

(He Wakes Up Every Morning)

(Like He Always Does) pushing the covers aside just enough not to wake or uncover TK asleep next to him. It was there routine they alternate days getting up mainly to do with the work schedule, Carlos went on duty at 8 TK was still on leave. Carlos came down over the stairs to start on breakfast as the girls came running down over the stairs followed by TK carrying baby Wesley. He was still so small but the perfect blend of all four of them. "Louise, Harper sit down and eat your breakfast," Carlos laughed distracting them from there toys that got left out last night by accident.

(Tells His Kids That He Loves Em) "Love you papa!" They smiled as there thank you, TK walked over round the island having placed Wesley down in his Moses basket, Carlos just opened his arm so he could hug TK and serve breakfast (And Gives His Wife a Hug).

(Tries Not to Think About It Too Much) Looking down at his family the thought that every time he went to work there was a stronger chance than his Mr Danger Prone husband that he'd leave them.

(But He Knows)

(Today Might Be His Last) He pushed his thoughts to the back of his head as he got ready for work.

(But He Just Buttons Up His Shirt)

(And Clips on His Badge) "Hang on honey," Carlos smiled hearing TK say that, he walked over and kissed Carlos goodbye much to the girls disgust.

(He′s Running Toward the Fire)

(Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun)

(Risking Everything He Has) On the way to work his mind flickers back to the amount of times he or TK ended up in a hospital bed for whatever reason. They didn't want to orphan Harper, Louise and Wesley. Not now especially Harper and Louise are old enough to remember them but Wesley is single weeks old essentially a blank slate of a human, if someone heaven forbid took him from them he would know no different. He can't leave them

(Jo So His Daughters and His Son) He does it all for them, he knows full well TK has these thoughts as well, it's a caveat of the job.

(Might Have a Chance to See a World) Why do they live in a world where paramedics get shot?

(Without All This Hate) Just so he can watch his children playing happily in park somewhere, the stuff of dreams.

(But Another Villain's Born) He doesn't like to day dream on the job, V always says because Carlos is so physically robust criminals thinks he's invincible. Having two 6 year olds and a three week old at home he cannot afford to believe he's invincible.

(For Every Person That He Saves)

(Don′t That Sound Great)

(Just Another Day Fighting for America). Carlos never questions it as someone needs to do it or else the world would be in worser shape, but the cracks are growing in the breaking system. No amount of temporary fixes will hold forever, mark his words by the time his children grow up the world will have changed for the worse.

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