Buddie - Worst Coincidence

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They couldn't believe it, falling in love just like that. Eddie had set up a romantic weekend for them as Christopher was staying with his abuela, Buck as speechless understandably no previous partner had ever taken this much care for him. "Oh god Eddie," "A night for the two of us, don't worry about anything all worries are left at the door," Eddie whispered hugging Buck. They ate first, then watched Titanic on the sofa Eddie cried Buck let him snuggle his face into his neck. Buck turned on a soft salsa so Eddie could take him in his arms and they could just have fun, "You look perfect," Eddie whispered in time with Ed Sheeran, "You don't look so bad yourself baby," Buck to this day still doesn't know where this came from but he just spat it out, "Lets make love tonight," "You stole that from Red White and Royal Blue," "Yes I did now are we going to or not?" "Yeah but who's gonna be the top and the bottom. I mean you practically melt under my touch so you'll bottom but I've never had sex with a man," "It's no different honey I will admit I've bottomed before so I can help you we can do this," "We can do this," Eddie repeated, "I'll talk you through it," "Okay then lets do this."

Gently they stripped each other of clothes. Eddie was good at this bit and made sure to appreciate Buck's glorious body just in case the sex bit didn't work out. Buck was fully naked first feeling extremely vulnerable being sat on the side of the bed Eddie standing over him fully clothed keeping his legs together, he teasingly pulling clothes off, "My god how did you only have Christopher?" Buck giggled feeling along of contours of Eddie's sizeable dick, "She didn't like my size, now can we stop talking about my ex don't want to loose this hard," Eddie prowled like a tiger pushing Buck down onto the bed kissing tenderly. "How big are you? I'm average but your huge," "Big enough," Eddie muttered, Buck raised his legs holding them up and apart, "Your hole is tiny Buck I'm not gonna fit," "You don't know how to prep then?" Hint taken, Buck held his breathe as Eddie gently massaged him open, scissoring the flesh apart, "Now what?" Eddie spoke, Buck released his held breathe to talk, "Line up, push yourself in then pull your fingers out," he spat out curling his fingers in the sheet. Eddie slipped in pulling his fingers out just as he was tip in, he lifted his head to look at Buck he was watching Eddie's movements. Silent nod he sat up slightly to get better leverage to push Eddie further in, "Oh my god your big," Buck murmured as he felt his body stretch to accommodate his size, "Am I hurting you?" "It's an amazingly good pain," he gasped going back to hold his legs apart to let Eddie naturally slip in deeper, "Normal routine now baby I'm not small nor delicate, I can take it," "You might not be but your hole is," Eddie joked gripping his headboard for leverage to thrust. Lips connected thrusts made, Buck was in ecstasy Eddie was over the moon. Like a trigger had been pulled Buck cummed first, Eddie hastily asked, "Where do you want me to cum?" "Don't stop, in me," Buck groaned just as Eddie released, they had forgotten condoms and did that entire thing without lube a very bad idea despite being monogamous.

"That was insane," Eddie spoke softly, "How do I get out?" "The cum will make it easier for you to pull out but we need to get condoms and lube for next time. That is if you want to do it again," "I do actually. You look really tired do you want to wait to shower," "Yes please, I want to shower with you," Buck whimpered incredibly sleepy, he almost immediately fell asleep in Eddie's arms.

Both slept in until morning feeling sticky from the cum and day old sex. Now for the awkward part the condom shopping, off they went to the Tesco. Spent a solid half an hour finding the condoms that fitted them both as well as different kinds of lube that were designed for anal intercourse, never guess who they saw in there also. Athena and Bobby. Never in there lives have they been more protective over there basket. Weren't going to push their luck though and ordered there toys online.

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