TK and Owen Strand - Truth

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This is very very dark not sure what trigger warnings to put on this but enjoy!

TK and Owen left NYC for another reason, a reason they never shared. They were watching the National news and it started talking about serial killer/psychopath Lindsey Morgan, "Ever thought that Lindsey was pressured into doing it as she was 16," Mateo suggested, "No she was a full fledge psycho I'd say fetal-alcohol syndrome," TK was becoming a little uneasy, he had loved his twin sister to the point where he had never noticed her coming home coated in her victims blood, Owen was also very uneasy. "It's okay TK," Owen said patting his shoulder, "I still here her voice from time to time," hearing the 126 openly mock his twin was enough, "I've had it! Stop making fun of Lindsey, she was my twin sister. Every time the media mentions it I feel so guilty for not noticing the red flags. Now shut up!" TK ran upstairs leaving a very pissed Owen behind, "Lindsey was shot dead by cops on the sofa next to TK, rattled him badly they were 16. We don't talk about it."

Please comment requests as I've been asking my friends who have no clue on any of this.

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