Buddie - Trust (⚠️)

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Trigger warnings ⚠️: rape and rape recovery please skip if you aren't comfortable with this you are warned  

Eddie stumbled through the door completely drunk, Buck was waiting by the door for his drunk husband, "Eddie, what the hell where were you?!" "Out with an old friend," he sputtered, "Where's Chris?" "In bed where you're going!" Buck dragged him out of the hallway, he was practically a dead weight he was so drunk. Got to the point that Buck was debating even sharing the bed with him, "Buck," Eddie groaned as he was stripped of his alcohol stench clothes and into clean pyjamas. Eddie rolled over and started kissing Buck, "Not tonight Eds your drunk," "No I'm horny," Eddie reasoned trying to continue, "Come on you love sex," "Not with a drunk husband," "I'm not drunk I'm horny! Come on you'll enjoy it," "No Eddie go to sleep," drunk Eddie wasn't taking no for an answer and rolled on top of Buck pulling down both sets of pyjamas, "Eddie I said no!" Buck fought but was quickly pinned until Eddie hit climax then passed out. Buck couldn't believe it he refused to believe it. He took his blanket and pillow and went to sleep on the sofa that night.

Eddie couldn't work out for the life of him for the weeks after why Buck was so distant, recoiled from touch, even the 118 noticed the usually affectionate man was suddenly more distant. "Buck, Buck please talk to someone," Eddie begged, "Please tell me whats bothering you?" Athena came strolling into the fire house with perfect timing. She eyed Buck before announcing, "You and I need a little chat, for once its not you in trouble," she pulled him into the bunk rooms, "Now whats up Buckaroo," "Scared," "Scared whatever of?" "Eddie," "What did he do to you, if he hurt you I'll," tears streamed down his eyes, "He came home drunk, I told him no but he was so drunk," "Buck I need you to be honest with me, did Eddie rape you drunk or not," no words were needed the look in his eyes said it all, "Oh my god, no one hurts my Buck I'm going to give him a piece of my mind," "No mum don't, I need to tell him truthfully. I love him I really do but I don't know how he'll react to the truth," "Buck tell him and if crap hits the fan your staying on my sofa," Athena smiled softly squeezing Buck's hand.

Buck sat on the sofa that very evening as Eddie was putting Chris to bed, "He's asleep Buck please whats going on with you," Eddie asked tenderly sitting on the sofa opposite him, "Remember that night you met up with your old army buddy?" "Yea I got so drunk I passed out in the bar, thanks for coming to get me by the way," "Thats the thing, you didn't Eddie. You were taken home by some of your friends, I was waiting by the door. You were belligerent and kept insisting that you were horny. I didn't want to you were drunk, got you into our room and half way into pyjamas, you were insistent I kept telling you no even as you pinned me beneath you," "Oh god, I didn't please say I didn't," Buck became teary eyed again, "Oh god I did. Buck love I'm so sorry, I'm so," he moved closer but Buck recoiled, "Buck I can't begin to tell you how sorry am I?" "I forgive you but I'm still frightened of you Eds, you broke my trust," "And I want to earn it back okay, I promise."

It started off with breakfast and showering in affection. Then he had a stroke of genius, Buck came home from dropping Chris off at his abuela to see Eddie by the front door. Eddie gently took Buck's hands and lead him back to their bedroom when somethings were waiting for them, "Eddie whats going on?" He asked as his husband stripped down to just his underwear, "So you can feel safe again," putting the key on the bedside table, Eddie leaned back against the bed frame locking himself into the handcuffs. Buck almost cried, his husband loved him and wanted to rectify his mistake so badly that he was doing all of this. Calmly Buck sat down next to Eddie tracing his muscles with fascination then he guided off his own clothing leaving just Eddie's thin boxers between them and his trauma. The night was slow and easy going Buck giving the final key of trust back to Eddie.

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