Evan 'Buck' Buckley - Rainy Day

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Requested by @lil_mixed_lovely15 'Could you do a one shot where buck is feeling sad and 118 try to cheer him up ?' I do take requests though there is no guarantee that I will use them.  Warning this one will mention depression, bipolar disorder (this does not represent the condition in the slightest and not everything may be accurate) and mentions of past/attempted self harm.

Buck's POV 

I woke up to a dismal scene of rain and wind, very much reflecting my mood. Dark and miserable. Nothing seemed to want to work this morning, the shower was stone cold, my coffee pot decided to not pour this morning, then my car wouldn't start. Dam this day! I rocked up to work tired and miserable. I immediately walked up into the barn ignoring everyones hello, if only they knew.

Hen's POV 

We all had rocked up this morning with a light sorrow but we all had shook the blanket off being around each other. To be honest none of us really noticed that Buck wasn't there, it was loud enough without him we couldn't get Bobby to turn the radio off. Then Buck arrived dripping in misery, he didn't acknowledge any of our hello's or good mornings. "Was the gust of wind that just passed us Buck?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm. "Yes it was Eddie your his best friend do you know what's up?" "Yes I do and leave it at that," wow Eddie that was blunt. 

Eddie's POV

I knew what was wrong with Buck, he had told me a while a go when he gave me a spare key, basically when I caught him trying to self harm. I immediately knocked the blade out of his hand and took the medication off the kitchen side. From that day onwards I kept a better eye on him bipolar disorder and anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of and I made sure to tell him that whenever he felt like a burden. I do admit though I was rather rude to cut Hen off like that but everyone knows that I lie awfully and they cottoned on quickly that I was hiding something. Seconds later they were crowding round me wanting to know what was up with him.

I stood my ground for a little bit but caved when Bobby pulled the 'We want to do right to the person that stood by us' card. Dam they know how to crack me good and proper. "Okay okay but you didn't hear it from me Buck's bipolar okay! Bipolar and anxiety," "Is he medicated?" "He's ashamed of it so I've only ever seen his medication once but by the fact we haven't guessed it yet I would say yes," "What cheers him up?" Chimney asked tapping his foot as he usually does when he's impatient, "A good punch to a punching bag then his favourite-" I stopped mid sentence to glare at Bobby to put the spatula down at least for now, "His favourite for breakfast pancakes but we have to be subtle. Here's the plan.

Buck's POV

The 118 left me alone to beat the crap out of the punching bag for the most part expect from the occasional foot traffic. The strong aroma of chocolate chip pancakes filled the station, my absolute favourite. Like a dog following a treat I practically floated into the kitchen. I sat myself down at the table but Hen plugged her nose moving down a seat yelling, "Hit the showers!" For Bobby's pancakes I would swim the English Channel. Blink and I was back in fresh clothes and wet hair, how I do it always amazes Chimney. 

Bobby's POV

Mission accomplished Buck was smiling.

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