Buddie - Omegaverse 1/3

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Alpha Eddie, Virgin omega Buck

Miscarriage, Smutt ⚠️

"So what are everyone's plans for the week off?" Bobby asked, "Chris is on a school trip for the week so Buck do you want to come over for bros night," inside joke, "Sure why the hell not," he laughed throwing his stuff in his bag. Eddie went ahead while Buck finished packing his stuff, "Buckley a word?" Bobby shouted pulling Buck aside, "Look I didn't mean to but i saw your cycle tracker alert, be careful I know its Eddie but if anything happens call me and I'll come get you no questions asked," "Thanks Bobby but it won't. I've gotta go."

The two idiots spent hours playing video games, Buck was always really good at this one game and Eddie hated it, "Buck stop! Come on just let me win!" Eddie yelled as Buck won again, he was rough housing as a result which resulted in Eddie rolling over and pinning Buck beneath him. "Oh my god," Buck whispered only now realising the dull feeling in his heart around Eddie was love, it consumed him as he pulled Eddie down to kiss him. "I never thought my feelings were reciprocated," Buck whispered, "Very much so, I was content with just being friends with you if you didn't want anymore than that. But I want to be your mate for life." They began heatedly making out, no bit of accessible skin was left unloved, Buck was the one who started taking off Eddie's belt pulling it out violently with his teeth. Eddie's dick sprung out as his trousers were removed, Buck hungrily started licking Eddie's shaft and wasn't expecting to have his head forced forward to deep throat him and he wasn't complaining. Eddie was pounding into his head right up until he released, "That was so hot," Buck groaned after swallowing, "You are so hot Buck taking me like that," he was playing with Buck's hair once Buck laid his head on his lap, "Your pretty cute yourself you know." More video games later they fell asleep on the sofa.

Eddie woke first remembering the night before, Buck was still asleep head on his lap, why was he so warm, "Buck," he whispered stroking the younger mans face, "Buck," "Whats up?" Buck asked gently stirring, "Are you okay your burning up?" Now that he was paying attention he felt the slick, "Oh crap my heat," he jumped up rushing to grab his stuff, "No no your staying here I'm not letting you go anywhere in this state Buck, where are your keys, I'll go back to yours write a list of what you want. Keep the doors locked okay?" Buck nodded hugging Eddie to savour the scent, "Thank you." He was so fragile in Eddie's eyes something he craved to protect.

"Buck its me I'm back, I grabbed some more of your comfort items I recognised them from your pictures," Buck quietly took the bag and ran to the bathroom not wanting to drench his joggers in slick. Eddie's presence made him both nervous and excited, he was extremely clingy which was understandable, "Hey you," Eddie whispered cuddling into Buck, he had cooked some noodles for dinner. Buck pivoted to sit on Buck's lap and wrap his legs around Eddie, "Your horny," Eddie whispered feeling Buck's hard against his stomach, "No shit," "When was the last time you slept with someone?" "Never," "What?" "Eddie I'm a virgin," "I had no clue," "I always wanted my first time to be with someone I loved and who loved me back. I want my first time to be with you if you'll take me up on it?" "I will but first we need to discuss mating. I don't want you to give me your first time and then have nothing for your mate," "I'm looking at him, I'm looking at the man I want to mate me," Buck leaned forward hesitant to kiss him, "Buck for fucks sake you've hand my dick in your mouth you can kiss me. I was impressed though by your collection of sex toys."

Eddie gently carried Buck to his bedroom, well hopefully there's now. "We don't have to tonight you know," Eddie was hesitant about doing it with a first timer in heat of all, "Lets make love Eddie," not sex but making love. On the one hand they were like horny teenagers but were so hesitant Eddie because he didn't want to hurt Buck and Buck because he didn't know what to expect. Eddie gently guided Buck back onto the bed, sweet kisses as Eddie manoeuvred Buck's legs, "God Buck your so loose and wet we won't need lube. Are you sure?" He asked one last time, "Please," Buck gripped his legs up as Eddie slid inside him with minimal effort, his knot catching ever so slightly on his rim. Eddie had one hand supporting his weight and the other holding Buck's legs apart, "How are you holding up," Buck was initially in copious amounts of pain but it was fading away replaced by pleasure, "Its nice, keep going," Eddie started with a slow delicate thrust which caused Buck to very nearly crumble under his force. Eddie slowly sped up his knot inflating to lock them together, as Buck became less vulnerable he was thrusting back in sink with each other. Buck was gripping at Eddie's shoulders leaving slight scratch marks, he use his other hand to grip at Eddie's hair, Eddie was kissing him tenderly then stole his hands squeezing them. Before they knew it the tension in their bodies released as they both cummed in near sync, Buck over Eddie's chest and Eddie in Buck. Buck was tired and fell asleep almost immediately on Eddie's chest.

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