We're A Family, All 4 Of Us 2/3

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Louise initially refused to go with Alex not so much as acknowledging his presence but the receptionist forced her out of the door where she was put on the back seat with the locks on the doors and windows. She tried everything to get out even pounding on the back window hoping for a car to call 9-9-9 but froze in her tracks when Alex's voice bellowed out, "Shut up you stupid girl," "Where are we going? I want daddy, papa and Harper," "I'm your new papa now so forget about them," "No!" She squealed but got slapped.

Descriptions of Alex's car was everywhere, Andrea kept Harper away from the news telling her that Louise is with some of TK's family but she wasn't stupid and knew straight away that Alex had Louise. TK sat at the table while police officers discussed theories still in his paramedics uniform, Carlos had a hand on his shoulder as a comfort gesture. "674 K11 currently traveling behind a car in an unmarked car matching the description of the kidnappers vehicle please send back up it's the same number plate and there a little girl matching the description of Louise Strand on the back seat please send back up," officers sprung into action, Veronica grabbed TK and Carlos ordering them into a car. The unmarked car followed Alex's car to a petrol station where he blocked the exit to be on the safe side, "Let me go!" Louise screamed pounding at the glass, Alex had enough and climbed to face her, "Listen hear brat the only reason you are still alive is because I am allowing it so shut up," he spat while his fists collide with Louise's small body.

TK exchanged a worried look with Carlos hoping to god they got to Louise before Alex could hurt her but Carlos didn't tell him what he knew, from reports Alex would have snapped quickly at Louise fighting to be freed. Cars held back as the plan was relaid, TK was told to stay in the car till Alex and Louise were separated. It happened so fast police cars swarming the petrol station, Alex in cuffs before the hand breaks were on, Carlos was at the back door yanking it open to have Louise dive onto him, "Papa, papa I tried I promise," "I know you did," he picked her up to put as much distance between her and Alex, "Lou," TK gasped running over, "Daddy," she was in hysterics now as she gripped TK, all the while Carlos kept himself between the scum and his family. Ambulance pulled up to attend to Louise's injuries moments later, Carlos was furious when they suspected the scum had broken her arm.

"Carlos we need your help," an officer shouted, "Figured you'd like this part pin Alex against the bonnet while we search him," "Gladly," Carlos had him down hard, "Woah easy man," Alex snarled, "I'll go as soft as the punches you gave my boyfriend and daughter," "You mean my daughter," he laughed, Carlos just shoved him a little harder, "No you are not her parent you never cared about either of them and pulled this crap when you lost the upper hand so shut up," "Easy Reyes we know Louise is your kid but ease up on the dirtbag, Louise might want this back," Dax said sliding Louise's bracelet into his back pocket. He got to go with Louise and TK to the hospital where Andrea met them with Harper who immediately ran to Louise's side because of the nature of it all TK stayed with Louise all throughout the process of getting the x-ray and then the cast on her right arm luckily she's a lefty like her dad.

With Alex safely locked away and behind layers of hospital security the family cuddled Louise on the hospital bed. Thankfully the judge threw the case out of family court with TK and Carlos retaining sole custody and Alex was shipped back to NYC and ordered to stay away from them permanently.

Louise and Harper were in the front room playing with Playmobil while TK and Carlos cooked and kept an eye on them, "They've been really quiet," "I thought that was just me," Carlos whispered as the two did rock paper scissors, TK lost and went to check every inch for the mischievous 5 year olds. He spotted a single foot wiggling under the sofa, "Girls what are you doing?" TK asked sticking his head underneath to see what was going on, "Camping with the Playmobil!" Harper exclaimed, "We can set up a sheet between the sofas rather than playing under here, how about that?" Louise whispered into Harper's ear, Harper definitely spoke for the pair, "Okay then," TK set up the bed sheet so they could still watch them from the kitchen, "Playmobil under the sofa thats a new one," TK laughed, "Here try this," Carlos pushed a spoonful of chicken tikka into his mouth, "Wow I grew up with spices but that is wow," TK gasped at the sheer heat of the spices, "Too much?" "Understatement, Louise would like it but Harper wouldn't dare," Carlos went a light shade of pink when he tasted it himself, laughing the boys wrestled slightly till faint giggles echoed from behind the dinning room table, Carlos went one way and TK went the other to jump the girls who squealed and started laughing.

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