Tarlos - I will be right here

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Carlos feels safe and secure when TK is in his arms.

I never felt this.

Carlos feels safe when TK is near.

I reached out to pull TK closer I couldn't describe it I just needed him closer, I needed him. "Carlos are you alright?" TK asked me, before I knew I was doing it I was crying, "Hey, oh baby, baby," TK whispered pulling me closer than before, he pulled away to take his t-shirt off he knew it calmed me down being skin to skin, "Your okay," he whispered combing his fingers through my hair, I felt myself being swayed down to lay gently snuggled into TK, "Your okay baby, cry as much as you wish I will be right here whatever you need," he whispered oozing with kindness, "I love you," TK whispered keeping me as close to him as possible. I really needed this. I really needed the good cry in TK's arms. 

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