Tarlos - Secret 2/2

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Sorry if requests take longer than usual, I have been trying to finish the countless multi fandom oneshots/stories that I have started but kinda like abandoned that and add homework starting to pile and my weekend/evening job and I am slowly picking my way through. 

Anyways rant over hope you enjoy!!

TK sat with AJ in his arms keeping her away from the prying 126 sat on the sofas around them, "So when are we getting TK back?" After they stopped digging into the stubborn Carlos they finally relented with the answer that he was not budging, "TK, Carlos you really are wonderful people and you are going to be amazing parents," "Funny you say that," TK chuckled, "Yesterday I went to the shop to get I can not remember what it was so insignificant with AJ in her pram and I had four people tell me 'Oh how cute babysitting your baby so your wife can rest,' took a lot of self restraint not to knock 'em in the jaw," Owen leaned down to Judd and Tommy whispering, "Take the kid out of New York but you can't take New York out of the kid," they both understood and did there best not to snigger, "Last straw though was the till lady, 'Aww you have such a sweetheart babysitting her and doing some shopping while your wife has some alone time,' I just looked up and said, 'I don't have a wife and my husband is the one trying to nail me to the floor. And no we are not babysitting we are raising our daughter,' she then proceeded to ask who AJ's mother is," "What did you tell her?" Paul asked deeply interested, "I told her truth, I said 'She doesn't have a mother never did and most likely never will. Do you think I carried this baby girl for 9 months to go through 13 hours of labour and two hours of delivery just for some nosy till lady to say that just because I am a guy I am babysitting my child."

They chuckled at TK's grumbling but he wasn't wrong. "Seriously when are we getting you back Alex is driving us crazy, he keeps going on about trying to find his ex who moved here after he cheated on him but he won't tell us a name!" Nancy growled Tommy and the rest of the 126 nodding, "Where are they?" "Alex where are you?" Tommy yelled out towards the rigs, "Come to think of it I haven't met Alex yet," Owen noted, "Here Captain, oh," Alex and TK made eye contact instantly. It was Alex his ex. What was he doing in Austin? "Alex what are you doing here?" "Alex as in your ex Alex, dam," Mateo gulped, "I came looking for you," Carlos silently offered to take AJ so TK could deal with this, "Alex no. I would never come crawling back to you like you think I will. I am happy here in Austin, I have a wonderful boyfriend who doesn't sleep around behind my back and as you can see we also have a child together," Tommy interrupted the little cat fight saying, "Don't get comfortable Alex here as soon as TK's back from leave your going," "Why? You have been hospitable but why the change of heart?" "Because Alex I can not stand to have you in my firehouse after what you did to my son, but if there is to be any funny business I wish for it to he under my nose."

Carlos had heard stories of Alex's abusive tendencies and they broke his heart. "TK let me take AJ," Marjan interjected as she approached the two New Yorkers, TK allowed it as Carlos took his side, "What's he got to do with it you slut," Alex growled, "He is my boyfriend and farther of my child, he has a right to know and I have the right not to be labelled as a slut. Now Alex I don't care what you say about me but you leave my family alone you hear!" The bell for medical rang and they had to leave instantly reducing the tension, "Saved by the bell," Carlos snarked, "Marjan," he continued stealing his daughter back. "Dam TK as soon as I knew it was that bastard who treated you like crap I wanted nothing more than to break his neck," "Thanks Judd, I think?"

Owen came down over the stairs and was just about to shout for TK till he was aggressively shh by Judd who was rocking a sleeping AJ back and forth in her car seat. "TK I think you need to see this, back in NY we were trialing body cameras and we were wearing them the night you OD'd they were reviewing the footage and found this. I think you need to have it," Owen passed TK the iPad with the video footage already lined up to play. Carlos put an arm around TK to watch the footage with him, they heard Owen yelling his name over and over again till he saw TK on the floor. The way TK gripped onto Owen after he was resuscitated was heart breaking, "TK are you alright?" TK stared so blankly at AJ, watching this back with AJ in his life now made him relate to how Owen must have felt. He protectively scooped AJ up, he wanted to shield her from life and keep her this innocent forever.

Later that evening back at there place with AJ asleep upstairs TK and Carlos were sat eating there dinner facing one another, "TK I saw the way you looked at AJ earlier. What happened to you TK will never happen to her, not as long as we can prevent it," "I know but what dad went through when he found me I can't imagine how it must have felt. Especially when I don't even remember what happened till I came round," "TK that will never happen again, not under my watch," AJ started crying from upstairs, TK grabbed a bottle for her and raced upstairs. Carlos looked briefly towards the photo on the wall of all three of them, how perfect his little family was after all it was a little big secret.

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