Owen Strand - Juliet

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Owen had a daughter as a result of his second brief marriage to British businesswoman Rebecca Ashton, as she was born after the divorce Owen was forced to obey as not to have his daughter permanently taken from him. He at least got some what of a say in her name Juliet-Catherine Beatrice Evangeline Cadence Ashton, Catherine was his mothers name. Owen could barely guess where Juliet came from as Rebecca was obsessed with The Guernsey Literacy And Potato Peel Pie Society. Juliet was born state side but moved back to the UK when she was 18 months to be closer to Rebecca's family, an old aristocratic family may be added.

Juliet grew up on the families country estate in London when she was in boarding school in the Cornish country side. She would spend the summers with Owen and TK and had not yet spent any time with them since the big move to Austin. Juliet was now 14 and looking forward to spending the summer with Owen and TK.

Juliet was running through the corridors with her friends while discussing there plans for the summer. She left out a set of her school uniform and packed the rest of her clothes, her uniform was very identifiable a blue blazer, a navy blue v-necked jumper, a black and blue plaid skirt, a matching tie and a grey hat with a blue ribbon. "Juliet what's your plans for the summer?" Dotty asked, "I'm going to Austin my dad and half brother live out there, leaving tomorrow lunch time though I am 99% certain Tyler doesn't know yet," she spoke with such authority and sophistication that it made total sense she was running for head girl.

Meanwhile in Austin. Owen was trying to figure out how to tell the 126 that he had another daughter and better yet she was flying out tomorrow, oh well he can just surprise them. "Hey dad heard wether Juliet's spending the summer with us?" He had to think fast on his feet, "No not yet will do as soon as I hear anything from Rebecca," "Good," the two sat simultaneously down on the sofa not looking forward to there shift tomorrow for different reasons.

Juliet was dropped off at the airport by the school bus, given her ticket and passport before being waved goodbye to by her friends. Newquay airport was a maze while lugging two suitcases and a rucksack trying to find gate 43. Her uniform attracted a lot of stares but she proudly ignored them. Juliet sat reading The Chronicles Of Narnia Voyage Of The Dawn Treador when the alarms sounded for the boarding. She quietly boarded the plane and took her seat by a window barely acknowledging the world around her. Where she had a row all to herself she was able to stretch out a little, flight attendants would frequently under orders check up on her due to her age and flying alone. Overall she was a perfect passenger who was quietly listening to music with headphones and just being polite.

Austin was a maze that was for certain, the pale faced beauty stuck out in her conservative uniform compared to the sun kissed Texans in flip flops. Carefully she scanned the hoards of people waiting to collect someone only to stop Owen at the very back, "Dad!" She yelled pushing her way through into his loving arms, "Hey Juliet you need to stop growing," "That won't happen for a good few years yet father, how is Tyler I find that he is enjoying things here in Austin," "Father? Tyler? Don't let TK hear you," "He doesn't mind anyway I personally find TK an atrocious nickname," "Who are you and what have you done to Juliet?" They both laughed at that one.

The drive was relatively silent, Owen occasionally enquired about school that sort of thing while Juliet marvelled at the sights around her. "Father I never I could understand why you left New York City for this place but it is truly divine," "Texas really is something," he pulled up outside the 126 just as he had left it, Judd in charge, Marjan, Paul, TK and Mateo in a water fight and the paramedics laughing at the big kids, "My joe is this a regular occurrence? I don't mean to sound so prudent but you painted them as these amazing people in your letters in fact I was quite looking in forward to meet them," "I didn't lie to you Juliet, it's just that they have such a serious job they have to muck around sometimes as they are only human. Now come on squirt leave your suitcases in the car."

Owen leapt out before she could talk to him further, she eased her way out of the peculiarly high 'truck' as her dad called it, resetting her hat smartly over her bun as she did so. "Juliet!" TK shouted as she raced in to hug her, "Stop growing I swear you get bigger every times I see you," "Hello Tyler it is nice to see you to," "I think we need some introductions here," Judd said in his gruff Texan accent, "No need you see father, TK and I have exchanged a marvellous correspondence over the term therefore your faces are not new to me. Judd, Paul, Marjan, Mateo and the EMT's are Michelle, Nancy and Tim," "Wow you are very posh," Mateo said wide eyed, "Sorry about that Mateo has no filter," "It's quite alright though we refer to ourselves as aristocracy, thats all down to my mothers family heritage Lord and Lady Ashton I am second in line after my mother to inherit the title," "Woah Cap you have royalty for a daughter," "Oh no you've seen to gotten into a ca-fuddled there is a difference between aristocracy, royalty and wealthy." The alarms went off for a medical call that needed engine response, Juliet moved out of the way for the engine to move but to her shock Owen grabbed her and pulled her into the engine to, "I don't think," "Cleared it with the chief already, "Welcome to Austin Juliet!" TK yelled as she stared out of the window.

She stayed out of the way of the call watching on with content, this was one of the few situations where everyone wasn't staring at her in a very British school uniform. A party tent had collapsed but the doors were sealed shut from the safety lock if the power went out but that had backfired tremendously, "Who can, Juliet get over here!" Owen yelled waving her down, "Take you blazer off and put these on," he passed her his jacket, gloves and helmet, quickly she obeyed, "You do electrical engineering right?" "Yeah why?" "Can you crawl in there and reconnect the power box," he gestured to the narrow opening, "Yeah sure," she got down on her hands and knee and started crawling through the gap. If her friends could see her now.

By the time she got out of there she was amazed by the sheer stupidity of people on this planet. Her stomach started to growl indicating that it was dinner time, "What time do you guys eat?" "Around 7?" "Okay," "Why?" "No reason," almost immediately after they arrived the alarms sounded again to assist in a medical call. Owen said she had to sit this one out, perfect. As soon as they disappeared out of sight Juliet raced out to Owen's 'truck' though it looked more like an SUV to her, anyway back on topic. She rifled through one of the two suitcases and pulled out the apron she had made herself. Quickly she riffled through the cupboards finding what she needed for a feast.

Juliet handmade the pastry and a lot of the key elements, it was a fancy type of pie but with all the flavours of pizza. She counted 15 including her and made portions accordingly, with the pie in the oven she started on the sides of salad and cheese and bacon turnovers. She also handmade lemonade ready for the heroes to come back. "What's that amazing smell?" Mateo announced as the others climbed out, "Just in time foods ready," Juliet called over to them. The table was set for everyone with jugs of lemonade and salad already on it, "Just taking the pie and the cheese and bacon turnovers, ow!" She missed the oven glove and put her bare hand straight on the tray. Michelle, Nancy and Tim leapt into action, Michelle got her hand under running water instantly and held her still while Nancy irrigated the burn and Tim ran to grab a med kit.

Judd dove in and saved the dinner while staying out of the way of the paramedics. "Looks like a second degree burn but it's thankfully a flesh wound. Strand this is for you keep it clean and dry and change the dressing regularly," "Thank you Michelle," "No thank you Juliet for a wonderful dinner," Judd added. This was going to be a very long summer.

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