Buddie - Omegaverse 2/3

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⚠️ miscarriage, smutt ⚠️

I will finish the omegaverse story here but I'm starting Buddie's own omegaverse book. 

For obvious reasons they told know one they were trying. The last thing they wanted to do was tell the world and have a miscarriage then live the constant reminder or what one was. Chris never suspected anything as after all he didn't want to know his dad creampies Buck every chance he gets.

Mucking around with Hen Buck brought up how he must have caught a stomach bug as it was the right time of year. Being the nice friend she is offered to fuck around with the new ultrasound machine in the back of the ambulance, "I know cool right!" Hen exclaimed after excitedly telling Buck, "May I say Buck you have a nice bladder," the two laughed waving the stick around Buck's stomach, "Hey go back did you hear that?" Buck ordered pushing Hen's hand back, "Oh my god Buck thats a fucking foetus," Hen exclaimed, Buck was froze, "Did you know you are pregnant?" "No we were trying but we hadn't taken a test in months." Hen pulled him into a hug, "We can tell Eddie in the morning," he smiled looking up at Hen with puppy eyes.

Prison riot hooray, Eddie was confused why Hen was so protective over his mate and therefore was determined to protect what is his. Hen smirked briefly knowing what she knows.

When they released they were being kidnapped being together became the issue, Buck kept shooting worrying glances at Eddie as he remained stoic while being searched, "Firefighters Diaz and Buckley-Diaz, do you two have a common sibling?" Mitchell pulled out Eddie's wallet, why did he have to leave the photo of Buck and Christopher in there, "These two are a thing should have known," Buck used it as an excuse to get closer to Eddie. A hunt through Buck's wallet revealed an ultrasound strip, "Who's baby?" Eddie darted his eyes to Buck, "I was going to tell you tonight, Hen and I were mucking around last night when we couldn't sleep," "Yeah yeah sal stories later get in the ambulance," Mitchell ordered.

Buck tried to remain professional but he really needed Eddie right now, even if it was just pressing there legs together. Mitchell forced Buck out of the ambulance with the prisoner who was genuinely injured, Buck rushed into the A&E but was surprised to find it dark. Police pounced on him till Athena shouted that he was in the clear, "Buck my baby you alright?" "Eddie's still in the ambulance with Mitchell how did you know he'd come here?" "His sons here his ex wife won't let him see him," tears spilled from his eyes and Athena quickly wiped them away, "Buck this isn't like you honey," "Mum I'm pregnant," "Well in that case that Mitchell better not touch a hair on my son in laws head," Athena snapped. Hearing that gunshot sent him into full panic mode Athena rushing out behind him, "Buck get a gurney," "Eddie he's dead?" "His heart isn't."

Mitchell staged the riot so he could kill himself and give his son his heart. So bad but so good at the same time.

Buck conveniently didn't mention his pregnancy at the hospital so he could help Eddie you know after Mitchell shot himself. Eddie hugged Buck as a response to his nervous shaking, "Oh god the baby, is the baby okay?!" "I'm fine they should be to," "Can we check?" "We can check, excuse me nurse," Buck was sat down promptly and several blood tests done as well as an ultrasound, "Heartbeats a little fast but given today it is acceptable, you are about 13 weeks along in a healthy omega pregnancy," "That's a relief," Eddie smiled rubbing Buck's belly it was small but hard an indicate as the babies presence. "I told my mum in the A&E," Buck whispered, "How did she take it," "She said quote 'in that case that Mitchell better not touch a hair on my son in laws head' son in law being you," Eddie picked Buck up and spun him around as they walked back over to the fire engine, they wouldn't tell anyone else just yet.

They told Chris almost straight away, they got him a worlds best big brother t-shirt. He loved it and wanted to tell everyone, it took a long conversation to convince him out of telling the world. Getting out of the shower Buck caught a glimpse of the easily concealed but visible bloat that was their baby. An entire baby could fit in there, Eddie hadn't touched him sexually since they found out. He will admit he jumped when the door opened, thinking it was Christopher who shouldn't be in the master bathroom but breathed a sigh of relief when it was Eddie there. "Hi baby," he smiled at Buck then placed a hand to the tiny bump, "Hi baby," "Chris asleep?" "Yeah took him a hot minute still not over the shock he's actually going to be a big brother," he took off his jumper and handed it to Buck knowing full well thats what he wanted. Buck pulled the jumper over his head then dropped the towel to pull on boxers and jogging bottoms, he knew Eddie was blushing but for gods sake he'd knocked him up they'd seen each other nude before.

Laying in bed watching Call Me By Your Name Buck looked up at Eddie determining that the worst he can say is no. "Buck what's up?" Eddie asked sensing something up, "Can we have sex?" Buck asked with his puppy eyes shining, "Buck baby I don't want to hurt the baby," "You won't I really want to have sex before I get too ugly," "You never could Buck, come on do you want to see me or from behind?" "Don't know front while a bumps not in the way," Buck rolled onto his back excitedly pushing his boxers and joggers down, Eddie snatched his hands, "Thats my job you bad boy, no punishment though, not needed," "Colour?" "Green." Buck smirked letting Eddie yank off his joggers and boxers and raising his legs to give Eddie full access. With a single kiss Buck relaxed enough for Eddie to glide on in without prep, "Eddie," Buck moaned onto his shoulder, "Baby not so loud Chris will hear you," Eddie muttered kissing Buck, "Can I thrust?" Buck nodded, "Come on Buck I need words," "Yes."

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