I am so grounded 1/3

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Requested by @hardywoman99 '911 and 911 lone star one shots: Owen Strand daughter Avery has been acting out like she's not listening and she's been not doing her homework and she's not cleaning her room so one night her teacher comes over and saying that Avery didn't turn in her homework and so Avery gets in trouble for lying and acting out and she's 15 years old' Kinda went a little rouge but hope everyone still likes it.

Trigger warning: childhood abuse (beatings as punishment)

"Avery come on you'll be late!" Owen yelled banging on her bedroom door, "I don't want to go!" "Avery we are not having this argument at 8am now get up, have a shower, get dressed and come downstairs," she groaned throwing off the duvet off. After spending a little to long in the shower just to annoy her dad Avery through on a short black skirt, white t-shirt with a red collar and sleeves then a leather jacket. Avery rocketed downstairs almost hitting TK on the stairs, "You are not going out the door like that," he barked forcing her back up the stairs. Throwing off the skirt she slipped into black jeans that TK couldn't disapprove of as after all he was also wearing jeans. "Hey dad," "Hey done your homework," "Yes," she lied shovelling in the coco pops, "Good want me to drop you off?" TK asked, "Na I'm good thanks I have a bike, bye!"

Avery leapt onto her bike to start the long ride to school. She didn't want to go but she had to. Each lesson dragged on not just for her but for everyone. Meanwhile at the Strand house TK was rifling through the rubbish bin as the silly thing had dropped his phone in there when he found something odd, "Dad what's the date today?" "The 14th why?" "This is the homework Avery said she did," he cocked handing it to his furious dad. "Oh she is gonna be in so much trouble, but after work come on we're already late!"

They got to the 126 with just minutes to spare, anger made good energy. "Easy cap, TK what got your knickers in a twist?" Marjan asked dodging the two Strands racing up the stairs, "Avery lied about her homework," "Ouch," "Yeah anyways we've gotta get changed." Avery was sat in English bored out of her mind, her eyes caught the attention of the the dried glue stick at the edge of her desk. Should she? Quietly she reached out to snatch it along with the ruler beside it. Carefully she took off a chunk of the sticky dried glue and pinged it at the ceiling and again at someone else. "Avery can you please stop pinging glue at the ceiling," Miss Taylorson asked taking the stick from Avery, a kid walked passed and stuck his head inside the class yelling, "Ollie ollie ollie," to which the class joined in shouting Avery standing up, "Tits in a trolley, balls in a biscuit tin, sitting on the grass with his finger up his ass singing a ling-a-ding ding," "Avery just get out of my class I don't want to have to deal with you any longer," "Okay!" To the cheers of her year 10 class Avery waltzed out throwing paper balls at anyone and everyone.

By break she was with her friends behind the House Hub goofing off as usual. Till one decided lets punch everyone in the group, thats when it became all out war. *Engine 126, ladder 126, aid car 126 Lone Peak High School fight in progress* the alarms bellowed interrupting there lunch, "When will these kids learn," "What do you mean Judd," "The old 126 and I had 19 call outs to this school in the span of two months for fights, add medical, fire and the kids have a rap sheet longer than the hose." They cringed as they entered the trucks.

Cops arrived around the same time as the 126, "Are they really so bad that they have to call PD in?" Mateo asked looking at the mass arrival of PD, "Yes." The 126 raced in to help break up the hell show of the fights. "Oh god you've gotta help me my dad's here!" "Out and round quick punch your way through," following the instructions she punch her way through to try and get out, "My my look what we have here," a voice bellowed from her left. She turned to face her dad who had just watched her beat up three others to get through to the opening, "Hi dad," "Hello missy you are in so much trouble," and dam he was right.

Owen grabbed her hand and forced her out to the engine ordering her to wait until there return. She was done for. Judd and Owen got in first and both were wearing angry looks, "Dad," "Save it Avery," "TK I'm done for aren't I?" "More than done for you are dead times over and buried 10 feet under." Once back in the station Owen pulled Avery up into his office preparing his scolding, "Now here is your chance to tell me the truth, is this the first time you have done anything like this," yes, "No," she answered abruptly, "You sure?" "Yes I'm sure?" "Positive because if you are lying you'll be in more trouble than you are currently," "Okay maybe it's not the first time," "So when were you going to tell me that you've been skipping class, truanting, not doing homework, misbehaving, lashing out at teachers do you want me to go as I will and I can or do you want to continue," "No," "Well then. What has happened to you Avery? What happened to you?" "Austin is what happened! I did not want to leave New York, I wanted to stay. I was hoping if I acted up enough I could convince you to send me back," "Well I hope you know that this will not be easily forgiven," "I know, I try I just don't understand," "What don't you understand?" "Quite a bit," "Well you are grounded for three weeks and you are to have a homework buddy. Starting today now I took the liberty of picking up all your missed homework and assignments so get cracking girl."

"You think your dad's laid into her enough?" Paul asked from the kitchen, "Yeah he's never been the telling off type that was more mum's domain. So how she take it?" "Unsure, she was quiet scared that's for sure every time I so much as put my hand to my head she flinched. This is why I left disciple to Gwen," "Avery flinches like me. Didn't you ever notice?" "Notice what," TK rolled his eyes and presented his palms, faint red marks were littered across them though they seemed more like scars now, "Mum never gave her belt a rest and her jaw some excise when we were younger. Now I'm gonna make sure you haven't traumatised my sister."

Avery only now realised how much she'd missed, the papers piled high in front of her. "You okay?" The green eyed Strand asked, "Don't give me the baby greens, fine better then mum's punishments. I am so grounded," "Yes you are."

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