Tarlos - Date Night Discovery 2/3

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Family at last with Issy being 14, Juan being 9 and Emmy at 6 plus TK and Carlos. They were in for a wild ride. But it also meant Issy had two parents and a dozen aunts and uncles to tell her off. Like after the science experiment gone wrong or the time she snuck out or when she threw fire crackers into rubbish bins, yeah Alwyn has grown to be very mischievous. Juan has maintained his quiet, shy nature around people that aren't family but still plays basketball in the house. Him and Issy are in a spitting match to see who can grass each other up the most times in a month. Oh and by the way the score is Juan 6 and Alwyn 4. Must never forget Emmy, she's still as blunt as ever though with Carlos's influence she seems to be using that bluntness for good. They think?

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" Grace answered the call, "Where to begin?" The 126 pulled up outside Austin Primary and Secondary School responding to another of the older students ridiculous antics. "Ah good your here, around 6 students all left the class at the same time to go get belongings from the locker room. They took a long time so I went to check on them and found this," the door swung open to 2 students crammed into the same locker, one stuck in the bench, another with a toilet on presumably his head, one dangling from the ceiling and the 6th curled up on the floor laughing like crazy. But they could definitely smell the weed so PD was also radioed for. "Where to start?" Nancy gulped, "The kid with the toilet on his head," slowly but surely they peeled everyone out of there conundrums expect from ceiling girl. "Serious who is in the ceiling?" Owen asked the most sober of the kids, "The pot stash and Alwyn," the 126 saw red as they got to work getting her down.

Cheerily with a help underneath her Issy dropped from the ceiling saying, "Thanks just don't tell my dad over at the," Judd cleared his voice as Alwyn looked up and around the room. "Busted," she exclaimed knowing she was done for it now, not being high made the situation easier as the questions were just 'Why were you in the ceiling?' "Don't worry we will find adequate punishment for all of this group," "No need for this one," Marjan added as TK looked annoyed. He dragged Issy out into the corridors to rip her a new one, "Why Issy? Why are you constantly misbehaving and going off the rails? Squabbling with your siblings is one this getting stuck in a school ceiling is another!" "Maybe it's because, I don't know I want to have some fun while I still can and be happy instead of being a grinch like you or Owen," "There's fun then there's this Isabella," "Oh so your doing the 'I'm so disappointed in you Isabella' thing well it's not gonna work on me like Juan and Emmy. I'm not a child and I don't like you treating me as such!" others classes had dispersed to see what the screaming was all about, "How about I start treating you like an adult when you learn to grow up!" "Actually for your information I had to grow up when Juan was born. I was the one that had to look after both of them now that I don't have to anymore I want to make up for 9 years of not being a kid. Do you know what just leave me alone you aren't my dad TK," Issy threw him the finger as she walked away without a care in the world.

Instead of going home she picked up an extra shift clearing out a old apartment. Her, Claire and Sophie were going through strewn bits of mail when Issy found the holy jackpot. Three tickets to Blitz Festival the next weekend, it had great line ups and it was 2pm Saturday to 11am Sunday or at least until the cops show up. The three made a pact to go. Going meant Alwyn had to face the inevitable of going home, unless she went to Judd's? Grace was like a mom to her and could trust her.

Issy walked round to Judd and Grace's house knowing that Grace was home where as Judd wasn't yet. "Alwyn what brings you here?" Grace asked in her cowgirl accent, "Grace I've really screwed up this time," she then told her the full story beginning to end with Judd turning up half way through. "Judd thank god have you seen," Judd cut off TK's worried rambling, "Issy's okay she's with us came by while we were still at work," "I'll be there in 5 minutes." After a little while TK arrived still extremely mad but he had had time to think of what to say, "Isabella Alwyn Strand what went through your head?" He demanded, "I don't know. I just walked into the changing room then the next thing I knew I was in the ceiling," "The teacher did say TK that she wasn't apart of that group. That she was already in the changing rooms when they went in there and that was because the teacher had asked to get something she had left in there." Out of trouble for now.

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