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Prompt: Where Buck is a vampire and Eddie is a human and fall in love with each other but when a hunter is huntering Buck, Eddie saves him. By jadelovesyoutoo - didn't follow exactly and will probably rewrite but here you go.

Requests are always welcome but in England we have a thing called Mocks and GCSE's and they are so draining, I've literally only made it through one full exam (because it was 55 minutes) out of the 8 I've sat so far. 

Anyways who has the popcorn?

So without further adieu; the story!



The world has never been kind to people like me. I have lived many mortal lives running from the hunters. Said hunters don't realise how many of us actually exist whole covens live under there radar the largest I know about is the Cullen's Bella is literally a police chiefs daughter the traditional hunters. Nice people the Cullen's I go to them if they need help with identity forging. Right now I am posing as an Evan Buckley a firefighter originally from Hershey but moved to LA for a fresh start. He gave up on love especially after he got a lover imprisoned back in the 1930's, he got him out sent him a wad of cash totalling about £300 and a letter of apology before shifting.

Making connections was frowned upon but the 118 were the exceptions, he couldn't help becoming close especially with Eddie. The thing is they were getting suspicious, they noticed how he occasionally came in with his animal blood in a cup but never ate at the firehouse, the brown contact lenses were no longer convincing them. "Alright Buck the game is up what is up with you? You don't eat in the firehouse you think the contacts are fooling us but one has fallen out, I didn't think gold were possible," Buck was frantic trying to think of what to do now, Eddie had enough and pushed him back against the lockers there faces were so close, Eddie kissed him hard. He tasted the blood in Buck's mouth, "Buck why is there blood in your mouth?" "Yeah Buck why do you have blood in your mouth?" Hen asked backed by Bobby and Chimney, Buck blinked out the other contact lens revealing his golden eyes, he moved his gums out of the way to reveal his fangs, "Your a, your a vampire?" Chimney stuttered out, "Haven't hurt a human in two hundred years not all vampires are cold hearted. I'm one of hundreds who live off of animal blood. I wasn't meant to get close to you guys but I did. You probably don't want me around anymore," Bobby pulled Buck into his arms and into a tight hug, "Human, vampire, unicorn your our family Buck. We'll forget this conversation and as long as you don't cause trouble Buck."

Bobby was subtle in helping Buck on shift his friend was an open minded butcher who saved the animal blood as a favour for Bobby, everyone knew not touch Buck's water bottle Bobby kept it stocked. Medical school did a minor course in dentistry so Hen helped Buck with modern dental hygiene. Eddie was there, treated him no different only fell more in love with him. They were happy together, Eddie first noticed the changes his eyes were blue not gold vibrant blue. Buck then noticed the blood tasting disgusting, he didn't eat for weeks because he couldn't hold down the blood, Bobby decided to try him on toast just to see. He enjoyed it. He hadn't tasted human food since the 1500s. Then the miracle everyone noticed Buck cut his finger bleeding. He was nearly human, there was still no warmth to his skin but he was nearly human.

Unbeknownst to him when he asked Eddie to marry him someone else was watching him. The hunter he had been avoiding for years, known only as Mockingjay he is not the symbol of resistance seen in The Hunger Games he is known for being ruthless tracking down and killing vampires publicly. Buck was always watching over his shoulder he thought changing his name to Buck Diaz would throw them off the tracks enough he is now mostly human.

The 118 were on call when Buck first saw Mockingjay, he told Eddie and confronted him when the scene was no longer dangerous. Mockingjay hit Buck and was shocked when he started bleeding, "Your-," "Human now yes now leave me and my family alone," Buck growled. He was naive in thinking it was that easy to shake Mockingjay. Running errands for his husband and stepson Buck spotted Mockingjay again in Asda, he left calling Eddie immediately telling him about Mockingjay. Eddie heard the contact then a thud then the line went dead, Mockingjay had Buck.

Panicking Eddie took Christopher to Bobby and Athena's and explained everything, "Buck's human now right?" Athena asked, "Yes," "Mockingjay has been a huge problem for us, I will drive you to precinct as a concerned parent you tell the police everything Mockingjay id an alleged vampire hunter and has convinced himself that Buck is a vampire and kidnapped him. On the way you call on of Buck's contacts to get his background up online then we do some snooping." Perfect plan, except for the fact that Mockingjay could literally kill Buck.

By chance they heard when they had a lead quickly to an abandoned aviation hanger. "Well what are you waiting for get in!" Eddie looked back at Christopher after hearing the officers offer, Bobby came pulsing through the door and the silent nod allowed Eddie to go. Getting in the back of the car he caught a glimpse of Bobby picking up Chris. Guns were drawn on arrival Eddie hung back till police secured the scene then immediately ran inside, he saw Buck being untied, "Buck!" He yelled running forward, Buck practically fell into his arms crying real tears, "Eddie, Eddie," he repeated not believing this was real.

Buck and Eddie pursued there happily ever after, Bobby and Athena did an adult adoption of Buck, Buck started celebrating human birthdays deciding he was born a year after Eddie. The grey hairs came in, by then he had three children with the love of his eternity and several grandchildren. All three children followed in their parents footsteps in making the 118 there home. Christopher walked up the cobbled path his wife and children beside him carrying two forget me nots, he sat on a park bench watching his children run around smiling. He places the forget me nots next to him, the metal inscription read, 'Buck and Eddie Diaz, died moments apart but whose love is eternal.' 

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