Buddie - Louise 1/2

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Buck 24, Eddie 29 (2019)

Eddie Diaz walked into the 118 for his first shift, the captain Bobby Nash came down to meet him and introduce him to everyone. "Wow," Chimney gasped almost loosing his gum, Buck's face fell instantly. Eddie didn't recognise Buck but Buck recognised Eddie alright, "Hi I'm Eddie Diaz," Buck stormed out clipping him on the shoulder, "What's his problem?" "Just jealous thats Buck, 24 years old joined us at the 118 about a year ago now, he's just jealous that's he's not the new guy anymore," Hen peered round into the gym announcing, "Was that cold gust of wind that just past me Buck?" "Yeah he gets like that sometimes, just ignore him we all do," Bobby joked unaware of the fact that Buck was just the other side of the door.

A few months after the earthquake Eddie tried to strike up friendly conversation with Buck starting with the basics, "So Buck what do you do outside of work?" "Depends, my sister has recently moved down here from Pennsylvania so it's a big deal. I don't mind helping her, it means free childcare," he whispered the last part so he could pretend that he finally said it allowed, "You have a kid Buck?" "No I was joking," "Your a big kid Buck that's probably what he means," "Seriously Buck loosen up we've all noticed you've been off since Eddie got here," "Yeah about that, Eddie and I already know each other or at least I know remember him," gossip, 118 were all down for the gossip, "Go on, as far as I know we've never met," "We were drunk. Four years ago, five almost I was still travelling and I was in god um. It was a bar in Texas somewhere Eddie was there, I flirted, he flirted, we got drunk," "You remember this well," "Of course I'm going to remember the night that changed my life, we're off in fifteen mind if head," "Go ahead Buck."

Buck met Carla outside of the firehouse just round the corner, beside Carla a chestnut haired blue eyed four year old girl with Buck's birth mark. "Daddy!" She squealed running at him, "Hey Louise I missed you," "Can we go to the park?" "Sure," they walked the few feet to the park. Buck was pushing his daughter on the swing smiling and telling her jokes, "Higher daddy higher!" "Higher it is!" Nearby parents looked on chuckling at the innocent farther and daughter, out of nowhere the swing snapped wrapping the metal chain around Louise. She cried out in pain almost as soon as Buck realised, "Hey, hey Louise I got you, these are stuck good and tight. Stuff it," "9-1-1 whats your emergency," "I'm at Rose Grove Play Park about two minutes from the 118. My daughter was on the swing when the chain snapped, it's wrapped good and tight around her arm and thigh. It appears to have pierced the skin in some places," "Dad it hurts," "I know baby firefighters will be here soon, if you heard that hurry the first responders."

Over at the 118 they were just waiting for b-shift to relieve them when the bell rang, "Great," *aid car 118, engine 118 Rose Grove Play Park child in distress* "I hate it when it's kids," Chimney yelled tossing his gear into the aid car. Arriving on seen they guess location on the amount of onlookers mainly kids and parents, at the heart of it a little girl in Buck's arms with chain wrapped deep around her. "Buck who's this? Maddie's kid," "No mine, cut the small talk I don't want to be to be up at four am in an ER with toddler especially as you know the day we had," "We'll do our best Buck," "Hello Sweetheart what's your name?" "Louise," "Alright Louise we're just going to check out your injuries, looks like lacerations minor on the arm but I'm concerned about her thigh the chain could have nicked the Femoral artery. Right let's start cutting the chain off," Louise's arm was fine aside from the marks the chain at left, "Chim blood," "Great just what we were trying to avoid, Eddie did you see this sort of thing in the army?" "Yeah chain on an electric saw injury but this was grown adults not a child. Where about's is the nick, yeah right over the artery. We have to transport chain still in place let the hospital remove it. Buck," "You look familiar," Louise asked Buck knew instantly what she was on about, he had the one photo of Louise's other father in his room. Louise loved looking at it, "My daddy has a photograph of you, he's always said," "Louise no. Not everything needs to be shared love," Buck snapped softly kissing her forehead.

Hen and Chimney were in the aid car taking Louise to the VA hospital, "Now that we're alone what was Louise going to say earlier when you cut her off?" Hen asked out of curiosity, "Daddy has a photo of that firefighter in his room he said that he's my other dad," "Other dad?" "Eddie and I met in a bar somewhere on the edge of Texas, I don't remember where. We got drunk got talking and hooked up, we thought we were fine without a condom. If I said that Louise was the result of that night would you understand," "So Eddie knocked you up?" Chimney questioned from the front, "What does that mean dad?" "Chim! But yes. He doesn't know, I tracked him down and tried to text him but I got a 'It never happened and I don't want to see you again'," "That explains why you've been so cold to him," "Yeah. We're here hopefully I'm not here till three am again."

Once the chain was cut from her leg and Louise was all stitched up they got to leave, just they had to go straight home. Maddie was home, "So did Eddie find out?" "He knows she exists but not the truth but I told Chimney and Hen so," "So are they gossips?" "Very much so," her phone went off, "Speak of the devil it's Chimney asking if I would like to come over for the drink do you mind?" "No we're good have fun, I'll drop ya but get someone else to drop you back. I'll just go speak to Louise," she was in bed by this time reading, "Hey baby I'm just going to drop Auntie Maddie off somewhere, I'll only be 10 minutes. You know the rules don't answer the house phone, don't answer the door, stay in your room, I'll be back soon. If you need me call me on your iPad okay?" "Okay Daddy," "I'll leave the radio on," "What I don't understand is how she's okay with this?" "I usually thank her for behaving with McDonalds for lunch, I don't do this very often as you know."

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