Tarlos - Come Back

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Sorry this took so long I have so many ideas in the works but for three reasons it hasn't worked out: one rubbish mental health, two I've started my GCSE curriculum and three my English teachers have been pushing me creatively.

Hope you enjoy a literal pinch of what is yet to come. It only gets better from here.

Carlos sat at the side of TK's bed gently cradling his hand, his fingers and lips have held a slight blue tinge to them ever since he went through the ice. The radio silence was killing him. He jumped when TK burst into life, he started trying to pull the intubation tube out of his mouth, "Nurse! Sh sh sh it's okay," Carlos urged gently pulling his hands away from his face and the tube then holding them in his own, he seemed to calm down for a moment or two at least until a nursed pulled Carlos back resulting in him going back to trying to pull the tube out. Andrea, Nancy, Paul, Mateo and Marjan came racing from down the corridor to be at Carlos's side, they watched as the nurses crowd around TK. After a few minutes the nurse who forced Carlos away beckoned him back in leaving the two be, the intubation tubes were gone replaced with the standard oxogen assitant. He hesitated as he stared down at the frail man he loved so much, "Hey baby, breathe breathe," he didn't realise he was holding his breath. Tired TK shakily lifted his hand wanting Carlos to take it, gratefully he did, he pulled Carlos closer and into a hug. Carlos placed a hand on TK's face along with a kiss to the forehead completely swamping TK with his own body, "Lets give them so privacy," Nancy smiled.

Eventually Carlos had to let go otherwise he'd start crying, "No don't go," TK hoarsely whimpered, "I won't," he slotted his hand into TK's while reaching across to pick up the glass of water a nurse had left for TK, "It's a glass of water," Carlos guided the glass to TK's mouth placing his hand over his so he knew when to stop, first few sips were always the hardest but he finished the whole rather large glass, "Carlos don't leave me," his voice was definitely less hoarse but still a whimper, "I won't I promise you. You can sleep, get some rest, I will be there when you wake up because I love you," Carlos kissed his knuckles and holding his hand to his chest. TK awake feeling a lot better on his side his head resting against Carlos's abundance of dark curls, he didn't leave, TK smiled gently placing a kiss on Carlos's head. Feeling the movement Carlos woke up immediately, "Woah easy Los," "You definitely look better," he was sitting up now, "Good to see some colour back into you you made the Avatars look pale, Tommy brought some chocolate pudding in earlier want some?" "Why not, does my dad know?" "Nancy radioed Tommy so the rest of the gang know including your dad. He started trekking through the snow as soon as he found out, I see where you got your determination from. He's getting a lift down here though," puddings in them TK's only request was for Carlos to climb onto the bed next to him so he could cuddle into him.

TK cuddled into Carlos's side overjoyed that Carlos had an arm around him holding onto him, he was asleep again quickly completely content. Owen poked his head round the door, "Knock knock, how's he doing?" He asked Carlos, he moved close enough to brush the hair off TK's sweaty forehead, "Better, as you can tell he is still having these hot flashed but it's normal according to Tommy and Nancy," "Mhm Carlos's who are you talking to?" TK asked barely awake, "Your dad's here," Carlos responded gently nudging him awake, "Dad?" "I'm right here son," "Good to see you, Carlos was right you do have some colour back in you now, you gave us quite a freight there," Owen croaked barely able to hold back tears, "You need to stop almost dying on me TK please. 7 times is seven to many."

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