Mood For Love

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 Personal ✨ mood music ✨. 

⚠ smutt 

TK knew he was done for  when they got home. Even though Carlos was the one who started it his ass would pay for it. 

The front door closed softly behind them, Carlos wasted no time in snatching TK's waist pulling him back onto the sofa then on his lap. TK ran his fingers twisting them around the curls upon his lovers head, he let out a short sudden moan before Carlos smothered his lips on his own. The coolness of the officers hands up the back of his t-shirt sent ginger chills up his spine, Carlos grabbed the offending articles of clothing tugging it quickly off of TK's body, "Carlos hurry up," TK growled, he was loosing his mind over Carlos's touch. He tugged at Carlos's top whining in desperation, once the tops were thrown in the general direction of washing basket Carlos carried his fiance to their bedroom. He threw TK down on the bed before straddling him at the hips, "What's holding you up?" TK whined grinding Carlos through two sets of trousers and pants, Carlos responded with a devilish smirk tugging TK's trousers and pants out from underneath him. He peppered tender kisses along TK's milky white thighs, impatient TK sat up ripping Carlos's belt out with his teeth, "Easy tiger let me handle that."  Carlos turned TK over massaging his bum then spreading him, "Tiger your so tight, just the way I like it," if TK could see him then Carlos would be grinning like a devil. One finger, two fingers, "Want to try for a third Tiger,"  TK was already in ecstasy, "Carlos baby stop teasing me," he cried grinding the mattress, for half a second he thought it was two more fingers being forced inside of him but when all fingers pulled out his hole closed around Carlos's dick. They took there time to enjoy moments like these because most of the time TK couldn't walk afterwards. Carlos was kissing TK's shoulders all the while pounding into him with enough force to bang the bed against the wall. "Los," TK groaned his voice shaky and insecure, "Your so good for me baby. Do you want me to cum inside you?" "Film me up to the brim Los," he groaned twisting his fingers through the sheets. Carlos reached up and snatched said hand pinning it down for fun. The snap in his stomach then the release into TK was well welcomed, Carlos rolled over struggling to determine who was more out of breathe the fucked or the fucker. "That was punishment?" TK jokingly groaned but was stopped by Carlos promptly slapping his bum, "Hey what was that for?" he snapped back, "Come here my love," TK complied moving closer to his fiance, "But please don't grope me at your parents again." TK whispered laying his head on Carlos's broad bronze coloured chest, "If it means more sex like this then I might become an exhibitionist," TK sat bolt upright actually horrified at the comment, Carlos was rolling with laughter at that response. No TK belonged to him and he wasn't going to share. 

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