Buddie - Omegaverse 3/3

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⚠️near death, blood, happy endings⚠️

Buddie - Omegaverse will be out soon

Eddie watched from across the firehouse as Buck fought with the phone, "The sooner this babies born the better," Hen laughed looking up at Buck, "I'm not sure Buck's mentally ready for it," Eddie sighed, "He's going trying to deny he's pregnant," "Yeah you need to get him into therapy asap how long left?" "Due in just under a month," "Better you than me!" Chimney announced to the room. Eddie roped in Bobby and Athena to get Buck to try and come round.

Buck stood in the nursery looking around at the bright yellow walls which he and Christopher had painted weeks ago now. Baby started kicking, he didn't notice Eddie coming to stand by the door, "Hey baby, sorry I've been ignoring you lately," Eddie smiled staying quiet as Buck caressed his bump, "You can't be in there much longer now," Buck smiled running his fingers along the soft blankets and pillows, they still hadn't chosen a name yet nor he knew what he was having. They kept everything neutral, abuela crotched and knitted several little outfits and blankets all to add to the personal touch. "If your a boy I want to call you Julian and if you're a girl I want to call you Elizabeth or Melody," "I think I prefer Melody," Eddie smiled causing Buck to jump out of his skin. "Eddie," Buck sighed turning to face Eddie, he was holding his belly, "Can I?" Eddie asked holding his hands out, "They're yours two," "You've barely let me near you since you hit about 25 weeks," Eddie admitted, Buck took his hands and pressed them to his belly even sneaking a few kicks here and there. "Hello baby it's your papa, you remember me don't you?" Eddie smiled kissing the belly. "So it's settled Julian for a boy and Melody for a girl."

Christopher cuddled into Eddie while Buck leaned on Eddie, "When's my little brother or sister going to be here?" Christopher asked, "Honestly Chris I'm asking the same question I feel like I'm carrying a watermelon on my belly," "That sounds fun," Chris laughed getting up. "Afraid the best we have is a basketball Chris not even got pumpkins as Halloween is still a few weeks off," so Eddie and Christopher cling filmed the basketballs to there belly's as a gag. Pictures were taken.

An extra shift went begging and Buck practically ordered Eddie to take it for the sake of the money when the baby comes eventually. Keyword there is eventually. Midwife said it was normal for first pregnancies to take time but this was getting irritating. Stood in the kitchen with Chris was when the first pain came, it was dismissed as Braxton hicks but they kept getting worse and worse. "Bucky are you alright?" "I'm fine superman," "No your not," Chris yelled, "Sit down I'm calling Grandad," Chris ordered picking up his phone and calling Bobby. "Hey Christopher what's up?" "Buck's in pain and he won't admit it," he sighed over the phone, "I'm on my way Chris put me on the phone with Buck," Bobby asked, "Dad?" "Buck how far apart are the pains," "About 8-10 minutes," Buck groaned, "Chris, two doors down our neighbour Trixie she's an A&E nurse go get her," "Good thinking Buck I'm not too far now. Have you called Eddie?" "No I'll do it now," Buck found his phone to call the one saved as My Love.

"Hey Buck," Eddie smiled looking for good news, "Eds," he groaned gripping the edge of the sofa, "Shit your in labour," "Chris has gone for Trixie the A&E and Bobby," Bobby came through the door just then, "I'm here with him Eddie," "They're giving me a lift in the ambulance, Buck we're going to get to you." Trixie rushed in carrying her bag, "I told Chris to stay with my children, you are?" Trixie asked referring to Bobby, "My dad," "Alright then lets see how far along you are," she mimed 6cm to Bobby, Eddie might not make it in time, "Your 6cm thats excellent your doing a great job Buck." Trixie was the medical professional and Bobby was there for Buck.

Eddie was nervous sat in the front of the ambulance, he could do only so much assuring over the phone. They were just around the corner when Eddie made the mad dash to his house, "Buck!" He yelled, "In here Eddie!" Bobby yelled from the bedroom, "Just in time Eds," Bobby smiled letting go of Buck's hand long enough for Eddie to grasp it. "Eddie," Buck groaned pressing his head to Eddie's chest, his head was of ice, other paramedics arrived to assist and Eddie whispered his discovery to Bobby who passed the information on. Honestly they had no clue there best answer was to simply wrapped him up and keep an eye on his pulse it was far to late to move him. Within 15 minutes of arrival the head was born, Buck was loosing spirit no matter how many reassuring words Bobby and Eddie could give him. "Come on Buck babies nearly here, one last good push Buck," Trixie assured, "Come on Buck, come on baby's almost here," Eddie whispered kissing him on the cheek, he gave it his all and a cry filled the room, "Buck Eddie you have a daughter, Eddie would you like to cut the cord?" "Eddie do it please," Buck smiled softly so Eddie could cut the baby's cord, "Hi Melody," Eddie cried wrapping baby Melody in a towel and carrying her to lay chest to chest with Buck.

The placenta wasn't budging anytime soon at all but he was safe to transport to A&E purely because of the placenta issue otherwise he could have stayed at home. Bobby went to get Chris and told him the kid friendly version of the situation.

Buck recovered well and quickly after having Melody. Chris loved Melody as did her parents. A little brother joined her two years later they named Bobby after Buck's rock. After all Bobby was there in shifts with Buck after Bobby's birth nearly killed him, everything was going well up until it wasn't. Eddie stood in the corridor holding baby Bobby his hands covered in blood. No way Bobby could meet Melody and Chris like this. Buck made it out okay, though he survived to come home with to his children having other children was completely off the books as to stop the bleeding Eddie had to give permission for a hysterectomy to be performed. To think some alphas would deny that only to loose there mates.

The Diaz family had many great years together. Chris became a game designer, Melody joined the army like her dad then came back to LA to be a firefighter herself and Bobby stuck to his grandad like glue joining FD as a paramedic straight out of high school. Everyone was proud of the Diaz children. They made the very cruel world a better place.

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