Seaton Amusement Park 1/2

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Trigger warning: mentions rape, drug abuse (not in detail), kidnapping, torture, PTSD, Spiders (I'm personally petrified). Read with discretion.

TK had a dark past, the reason for his drug issues and his other mental health issues. He was 14 when he went to Seaton Amusement Park with his friends for the Halloween attractions, he got to talking to the grim reaper at the haunted house entrance. The guy was cute but his girlfriend was not happy, to get away from the pink haired woman they raced inside the haunted house. TK got separated as the place was like a maze and he made his way out to wait for his friends, already spooked he started to head towards the cotton candy stand to calm down. A voice from behind followed by a punch was all he remembered before a kind man in a paramedics uniform helped him into the back of an ambulance. The paramedic drugged TK and took him to an underground abandoned railway station that trains still passed through but never stopped. There TK was tortured using his biggest fears: spiders, clowns and tight spaces. He was crammed into a box no bigger than a fridge coated in sugar water, (If it's a wrong fact don't shoot me for it I hate spiders and I can not do the proper research without being inconsolable for hours) Tarantulas were then poured into the box and were encouraged to bite and walk all over TK with no relief. Worst of all the man who did this was in a killer clown costume. He was saved when the clown man was arrested and Owen found his son high on adrenaline, fear, broken bones, covered in Tarantula bites locked inside of a box no bigger than a fridge.

Owen would never truly know what happened to TK as there were some details not released to parents, what he did know was still horrific. His only child was raped, beaten, tortured and was going to be killed in the most horrific method the sicko could think of. In the hospital TK was kept heavily sedated for examinations and so he didn't become violent. This started the dependency on drugs that would take years to break. The sicko who was later identified to be TK's paediatrician Dr Edmund Blake was sentenced to life in prison and had to endure the hated he would receive for harming a child one of the biggest prison taboos.

The move to Austin was after a breakdown caused by a various of things. Despite Judd's teasing he never said anything about his past to anyone till as a joke Judd hid a clown mask almost identical to the one the sicko wore in TK's locker. Everyone knew. After being puked on at the wedding TK decided to change as he stunk of vomit, the others were giggling knowing that TK was gonna be mad when he saw the mask in his locker, "Hey TK you alright?" "Yeah I just stink of vomit, ah ah ah!" He opened his locket and saw the mask alright. He started yelling and his breathing quickened, "No, no, no no! He can't be back, he can't be, oh my god, no no no! He can't be back, he can't be!" He yelled gripping at his head, "Someone get cap!" Marjan yelled as he slowly approached TK, "TK what's going on," Mateo came rushing in with cap, he froze seeing that mask in his locker, "Get that mask out of sight! Whoever put it in there I will have to have a serious conversation with. TK it's alright. Your okay, your in Austin far away from that bastard who us locked up for the rest of his life." All the while he shot daggers at Judd.

He got TK to settle enough to go to sleep, Owen closed the bunk door before heading downstairs, "Cap it was just a joke," "I will tell you enough of the story so you understand why you shouldn't tease him. When he was 14 he was kidnapped by someone dressed as a clown wearing an identical mask to the one you hid in his locker, the crook tortured TK in more ways then one. I was the one who found him after the crook was arrested, I will never forget seeing my only child like that. He pumped full of drugs and at the hospital they kept him sedated and restrained 24/7 because he was a 'danger'," "Oh which explains his reaction to alcohol and drugs," Marjan gasped putting two and two together, "Then why did TK freak when we called Michelle Dr Blake?" Nancy asked sitting up, "TK will probably be mad that I told you but the man who took TK was called Dr Blake, TK had to find out through a stupid nurse," Michelle thought for a few moments before racing upstairs. "12 years ago my uncle was arrested in New York City for three counters of murder, once for attempted murder and four times for rape along with a plethora of other charges, is that him?" Owen knew that face anywhere, "Never mention this to TK. Oh just so you know no clowns, spiders or tight spaces."

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