Tarlos - Honeymoon

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Sitting on that pull side under the gazebo holding the love of his life in one hand and a water in the other, "Love you baby," TK smiled turning to face Carlos then promptly threw the glass of water at him, "Oh you didn't," Carlos teased standing up, "You'll regret that," Carlos laughed scooping TK up and making a run for it, he then jumped into the pool still carrying TK, "Really?" TK laughed spluttering, "Yes really," if they weren't in public TK would be straight in those boxers. Carlos the ever gentleman threw TK in again shouting, "Cool off," "Our room now," TK smirked dragging his husband out of the pool so they could lock themselves in. "Love you husband," Carlos smiled playing with TK's hair, "Love you too husband." 

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