Buddie - Dinner Appropriate

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Despite Eddie obviously being smaller it was Buck who bottomed in there relationship and Eddie loved teasing. The two liked experimenting as they can trust each other, the night before they tried restraints to Buck's delight, that was the best orgasm he had had in a while. In doing so he pulled against the restraints to the point he left marks red circular indents on his wrists, out of context it looked weird. "Buck what are those marks?" Hen asked at the dinner table, "Not at the table Hen," Buck ordered, "Spill," "No Hen you really don't want to know," Eddie added, "Come on," "No! Hen it's not dinner appropriate," Buck ordered, "Please just tell her she won't stop," "Fine Eddie and I tried restraints last night and I pulled on them to hard," "I really shouldn't have asked."

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